Friday, September 6th, 2013
BELLEVUE, WA (CCRKBA) – The arrest of a New York City police officer and his brother on federal weapons charges demonstrates a need for anti-gun Mayor Michael Bloomberg to keep his own house clean before he spends one more dime or one more day trying to tell the rest of the country about “illegal guns,” the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.
“Right under Bloomberg’s nose,” CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb observed. “Maybe he should pay more attention to what happens in Manhattan than mainstream America, where law-abiding gun owners are tired of his big bucks demagoguery.”
NYPD officer Rex Maralit and his brother, Customs and Border Protection officer Wilfredo Maralit, reportedly face charges of conspiring to violate the Arms Export Control Act, and dealing firearms without a license. A third brother, identified as Ariel, was also named by federal authorities but he lives in the Philippines.
“Published reports say this alleged gun running started in January 2009, the same month Barack Obama took office, and continued until at least March of this year,” Gottlieb said. “All that time, Bloomberg has been throwing money at schemes to impair the firearm civil rights of law-abiding citizens, through his ‘Mayors Against Illegal Guns’ enterprise.
Should have kept in the DOJ information system. Those “how to” memos on gunwalker/fast and furious operations could have saved the “SURPRISE SURPRISE SURPRISE” for Bloomie.