Here’s the summary of what happened last night at City Council meetings where gun bans were on the agendas:



Park Ridge:

Meeting was postponed until JULY 8th 7:00pm. Power outage due to storms. Report of good turn out.

Highland Park

Gun ban passed 6-1


Good turn out reports say 2-1 for us. No action likely tonight.

St Charles

Standing room only and Chief Lamkin’s presentation was moved to the first order of business. The forum gravitated to discussion of an AWB, but bottom line…not in St. Charles

St. Charles: (Kane County)
From:J. Lamkin
Sent: 6/24/2013 8:56:56 A.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Government Services Committee


There seems to be some wrong information out there.  I am presenting an over view on the expected concealed carry law that the Governor will probably sign.  It is so the CC knows what to expect and what current ordinances we have that will likely go away.  Concealed carry will happen as you know in Illinois.  Yes there is a preemption provision in the law about the assault weapons, but there is no ordinance being presented for discussion or approval.  I have to cover that as part of the Concealed Carry law.  I am not aware or have any direction from the Council at this point and have not pursued one as well.  I do not know any of their individual positions on this topic.

James E. Lamkin  l  Chief of Police

River Forest

No report


“After what I heard this evening, I doubt the City Council would vote for a ban,” Mayor Donald Lockhart say. “There doesn’t seem to be support for a ban.”

Melrose Park

No report


West Chicago

30 or so showed up for us and every committee member was totally opposed to any legislation and recommended that nothing should be pursued.


Park Forest

Surprise…  no gun ban on the agenda:   The Mayor of Park Forest has responded to inquiries, and there is nothing on the agenda at this time.


Highland Park:

Full house opening overflow room. No Action yet.

Highland Park, IL (Chicago Sun-Times) – In a 6 to 1 vote, the Highland Park City Council enacted a ban on assault weapons Monday night, June 24, after nearly two hours of listening to almost 50 people voice their opinion, saying that the move to pre-empt home rule on assault weapons by Springfield legislators forced their hand.


More on Highland Park:

The Highland Park ordinance bans nearly all semi-automatic rifles and pistols and more than a few semi-automatic shotguns.  Residents have 90 days to surrender their firearms, or otherwise dispose of them or face 6 months in jail and a hefty fine.

All firearms surrendered are to be destroyed.

Ironic that a city with a large Jewish population would consent to being disarmed by their government.

I guess those who ignore history…

are doomed to repeat it.

7 thoughts on “Home rule update: Highland Park passes ban, all others on ice”
  1. Oh, my fellow Jews. I armed myself precisely because I am Jewish! Ten tribes didn’t get lost, they just turned meshugass!

    1. definitely… if I lived there, I’d have taken a day off work today to go talk to a lawyer and get a suit filed.

  2. I’m sorry, I must have missed the massive media reports of people going wild with semi-auto rifles, pistols, and shotguns in the city of Highland Park. I’m sure they’ll have a significant drop in the number of these events when everyone is done lining up to turn in their property for destruction.

  3. This is the problem with home rule ,people are not going to know what is leagle from one town to the next

  4. I very much hope that the ISRA or the NRA will find a gun owner or gun owners that can file a lawsuit or court challenge to the ban.

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