Poor Mayor Bloomberg…

His civilian disarmament organization, “Mayors Against Illegal Guns”, first met with some rocky publicity on their “No more names” bus tour.

It seems they liked to read off a list of individuals killed – and they blame their deaths on guns.

The only problem was that the mainstream media noticed they called off the name of one of the islamic terrorist Boston bombers – whose cause of death was getting run over by his younger brother!

Imagine that.  They mourn the death of an islamic terrorist.

Further scrutiny found that one in twelve of those on the MAIG list were criminals, terrorists, cop killers or otherwise needed killin’.

Dozens and dozens of bad guys put down at the hands of police, or law-abiding civilians defending their lives are mourned by Bloomberg’s Mayors’ group.

(Washington Examiner) – A preliminary analysis of the list of shooting “victims” New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s group Mayors Against Illegal Guns is reading at rallies for new gun control laws finds that one in 12 are crime suspects killed by police or armed citizens acting in self-defense.

The review of 617 killings found that 50 were suspects in crimes ranging from assault to murder, not the type of violence Bloomberg’s group suggests in its “No More Names” campaign to draw attention to the estimated 6,000 gun death “tragedies” since the mid-December Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings in Newton, Conn.

Then it hit the mainstream media that MAIG websites were registered under the New York City Government,  hosted on NYC government servers and maintained by New York City employees.

(CBS News) – The website for Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a group formed by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to push stronger gun safety laws, is registered to NYC government servers and administered by NYC government staffers, according to Politico, raising questions about whether Bloomberg has blurred the line between his dual roles as mayor and advocate.

The domain names for the gun group – mayorsagainstillegalguns.com and mayorsagainstillegalguns.org – are both registered under the New York City Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications, which was first reported by Ace of Spades blogger John Ekdahl.

And then there’s the MAIG member, or should we say FORMER member, Rockford, IL Mayor Larry Morissey who sent the nanny-state Mayor Bloomberg a little note disavowing MAIG and their civilian disarmament antics.

Loves Park, IL (Rockford Register Star) — Rockford Mayor Larry Morrissey said today he plans obtain a permit to carry a concealed weapon once a state law is passed.

Morrissey made the statement to express his support of concealed carry before a crowd of roughly 200 people packed wall-to-wall at Neighbors Bar & Grill for a town hall forum on pending legislation that would allow Illinois residents to carry concealed firearms.

“Any doubt that I might have had in my opinions about concealed carry when I first came into office changed quickly as I became an elected official and became very familiar with the types of crimes we’re dealing with,” Morrissey said. “The focus should not be against law-abiding citizens.”

…Morrissey got an ovation from the crowd when he announced that he dropped out of an organization called Mayor’s Against Illegal Guns, which has lobbied for gun-control measures.

“The reason why I joined the group in the first place was because I took the name for what it said, against illegal guns,” Morrissey said.

Morrissey said he didn’t expect the organization to get involved with banning magazine clips or “assault” weapons.

“As the original mission swayed, that’s when I decided it was no longer in line with my beliefs,” Morrissey said.










3 thoughts on “MAIG has a bad few days…”
  1. Bravo to the Rockford Mayor.

    It’s not at all unusual for freedom-hating, big-government types to use false words and phrases to deceive about their freedom-hating, big government agenda.

    Now we just need to educate the rest of the country about Mayors Arguing Illogically about Guns.

    1. “to use false words and phrases” translates to “to lie”, in plain English!

  2. Yes a few bad days. When they come to
    Illinois. They’ll. get to add. One more BAD. Day to their list.i just hope we have enough time to get to where they are in time so that we can enjoy the show. They said that they DO monitor. Gun groups. —— I just really do hope that they are monitoring us. Wow. What an honor. Such a notorious. Organization reading. What. I. Even I write here. How humbling is that. Maybe they’ll answer my phone call and ive me their ADDRESS. O yes , IDE love to have that. —– we could send them a BUNDLE. Of gun news. One for everybody in their group wouldn’t that be nice ( of us ) ??? And oh yes I have some copies of the second amendment IDE send to them. In frames no less for them to hang on their walls !!!

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