Roy K., aka “Third Power” at Days of our Trailers, posted a superlative analysis of the recently formed “Stop Concealed Carry Coalition” group which splashed onto the scene in recent days in the mainstream media.
[T]hey are incapable of differentiating between criminals and legal firearm owners. These are the modern day George Wallace’s standing on the city steps crying “Disarmament now, disarmament tomorrow, disarmament forever!” as the city’s population is slaughtered by the criminals running rampant.
Truer words could not have been spoken.
Why is it gun controllers obfuscate so much? We at Guns Save Life don’t want to manipulate people with half-truths and demagoguery. Instead, we want people to understand the truth so we will all be better, smarter citizens!
Here’s an excerpt from the article about the newest Soros-funded gun group:
Illinois is the only state that doesn’t allow residents to carry concealed weapons — and a group of religious leaders, anti-gun activists and lawmakers hope to keep it that way.
The newly formed “Stop Concealed Carry Coalition” announced today at the Chicago Temple its commitment to fight any bill that would legalize concealed carry in the state.
“I can’t fathom the idea of going to the mall and just thinking that under that coat over there, or in that purse, there might be a weapon,” said Ald. Ricardo Munoz of the 22nd Ward. “We cannot allow concealed carry to be the law of the land.”
Coalition members cited pressure from the National Rifle Association and gun-rights activists across Illinois for their growing concern. They worry state lawmakers could attempt to push through a law during the legislative veto session that starts this week.
I wonder to what extent is this campaign related to Alderman Munoz’ trying to take away heat from his corruption charges, alcoholic history, bad (terrible!)opinion in his own ward, and his father being charged with conspiracy to produce false documentation and “aiding and abetting” as a result of Operation Paper Target… I would not be surprised if he had personal reasons to be concerned about people carrying weapons in their “coats and purses”…
“I can’t fathom the idea of going to the mall and just thinking that under that coat over there, or in that purse, there might be a weapon,” said Ald. Ricardo Munoz of the 22nd Ward. “We cannot allow concealed carry to be the law of the land.”
Someone ought to enlighten this blinkered nitwit to the fact that criminals routinely carry concealed firearms & care not one whit what the law, or “No Guns” notices say.
He’d probably soil himself in public.
@ mike the limey,
i like your style mate, give ’em a rocket. you need to visit vermont sometime, i think you’d like it here.