Actually, you’ll have a chance to win two great guns!
Each year, Guns Save Life offers its multi-month Great Guns drawing for $5 per chance.

Guns Save Life is proud to announce the kickoff of our Fourth Annual Great Guns drawing.
Once again this year, first prize is a Rock River Entry Tactical AR-15 with a Dominator 2 sight mount, new in box.

Second prize is a Springfield Armory M1 Garand, originally from the CMP with very good to excellent metal and average wood.Tickets are just $5 each! The winners will be drawn at the February 12, 2013 general meeting in Rantoul.
Tickets can be purchased at the regular monthly meetings or by mailing a check or money order (with a SASE if you would like us to send the ticket stubs back to you) to Guns Save Life, PO Box155, Broadlands, IL 61816. Make your checks out to GSL or Guns Save Life.
Last year, we earmarked the funds for the new Central Illinois Precision Shooters indoor youth shooting facility at Darnall’s GunWorks and Ranges. We raised just shy of $5000 for the facility.
This year’s proceeds have yet to be earmarked for a particular project.
Entries received on or before February 11, 2013 will be accepted for the drawing.