(The Hill) Vice President Biden met with a group of retired military officials at the White House on Tuesday in a strategy session centered on how to effectively engage the public in the administration’s push for gun control.

Retired Army Brig. Gen. Stephen Xenakis, a former Army physician, said Biden will look to rally the public behind requiring background checks on private gun sales, limiting the number of bullets a firearm’s magazine can hold, and banning future sales of assault-style weapons. If there’s enough pressure, the White House hopes Congress may take action on at least some of the proposals. (…)

“The Vice President has a great overview of all these issues,” Xenakis said. “He has a plan and he’s working with leaders in Congress to get it done. He’s got great instincts on this.”

Xenakis was one of seven former military officials at the meeting. He also appeared in a Web ad released Monday by Mayors Against Illegal Guns, urging the public to “demand a plan” from Congress. Read more…

So who is General Xenakis and what makes him such an effective spokesman for Mayors Against (Il)legal Guns, not to mention an expert on Joe Biden’s instincts? A quick search reveals the good doctor is not only a real gentleman, but also a moral authority of sorts. It seems the New York Times has forgotten to scrub this old little story from its archives:

The Army today relieved a one-star general of the command of all Army medical operations in the Southeast because of an apparent ”improper relationship” with a civilian nurse who was caring for his critically ill wife, military and Congressional officials said tonight.

The removal of the officer, Brig. Gen. Stephen N. Xenakis, comes as the Pentagon is conducting a major review of its policies governing relationships between men and women in the military.

Relief of a general officer for disciplinary reasons is an unusual step, and removal of any officer nearly always signals the end of a career. It was unclear tonight what further discipline, if any, the Army might impose against General Xenakis. Read more…

Wouldn’t John Edwards be a more effective spokesman for Joe’s cause, considering his celebrity status and his universal appeal to women?

2 thoughts on “Disgraced general supports Uncle Joe’s gun grab”
  1. I guess the ex General’s staemnet says it all:
    “The Vice President has a great overview of all these issues,” Xenakis said. “He has a plan and he’s working with leaders in Congress to get it done. He’s got great instincts on this.”

    You would have to point out to me when Uncle Joe has used good judgement on anything…

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