Guns Save Life’s website is groaning mightily under a deluge of very heavy traffic from stories this week.  The post about the Governor setting loose thousands of prison inmates served as the final straw that broke the camel’s back.  Or the bridge deck, depending on your point of view.

We don’t have the world’s strongest and most robust server.  Sorry.  We operate on a shoestring budget.  Our web guy is working to ensure there aren’t any software conflicts adding to the traffic-caused errors.  Our server can only “serve” 500 visitors at once.  And if you’re #501 (or #1033) to seek content, you get an error.

It’s a good problem to have, we suppose.  Please be patient.  We’re working on fixing any issues or upgrading our server.

3 thoughts on “SORRY. VERY heavy traffic leading to errors.”
  1. GSL is the source of REAL news about inmate releases and the unconstitutional things bloated liberal filth Pritzker is doing to this state. The garbage local TV and radio news we have may mention a small thing but then drop it. GSL is to be commended for the job they do warning the public.

  2. How can Pritzer be so worried about out safety? when he releases all of these felons. He must have been born of the idiot class!!!

  3. What? Are you serious? I’ve already mentioned that it makes the site owner seem inept that you can’t figure out SSL encryption. It seems that SSL works now in that everything resolves and functions… Except that your cert is invalid, it will show “Not secure” on every browser. The cert isn’t signed for “*,”. I would do a wildcard that is issued for “*,”. On top of that, you should be using a caching CDN like Cloudflare as a proxy. Then your website wouldn’t be crippled by a couple people. I have this terrible suspicion that you got a “500 error” and are conflating that with a limit of number of people browsing, which would be hilarious.

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