State Line Rifle Association sponsored an NRA Family Fun Day Shoot last weekend (the second of the year) and Guns Save Life helped promote the event for them in GunNews.
We received this in the mail today:
We had another very successful event, and we all can take a good measure of pride in our accomplishment. We hosted 118 paid attendees (plus 95 in May), and from my perspective, they all were happy that they came.
As a result of our collective efforts, many new people were introduced to the fun, skills, and attitudes which go along with the safe handling and shooting of firearms. It was a beautiful thing to see young and old (mostly young, several 5 and 6 year-olds) participate in our program, and obviously enjoy the benefits of our commitment to ensuring the perpetuation of the shooting sports and gun ownership.
We can know in our hearts, and in fact, that through these events we are doing our part to further a continued understanding and interest in the advantages of retaining our gun-rights and the attendant American freedoms that depend on those rights.
I want to thank everyone who contributed: The NRA Foundation, Illinois Friends of NRA State Committee, NRA Day Program, Conservation Club of Kenosha County, State Line Rifle Assn., McHenry County Sportsman’s Assn. United States Navy personnel, Guns Save Life, and unaffiliated volunteers. Special appreciation is deserved for Dan Lutka, Ellen Herring, and Stan Raciak.
Let’s do it again next year!
Glenn Garamoni
State Line Rifle Association
NRA Day Program Director