Member Janice Beasley, aka Liberty Walsh in the Cowboy world, sent a great photo of her working the targets at a Cowboy Action shoot. With it, she sent a letter asking if we could run a female on the front cover that isn’t holding a semi-auto rifle. And who isn’t 30-years-old.

Admittedly I chuckled upon receipt of her letter displaying outstanding penmanship. First, a couple of things: We look for “vertically” oriented photos on our cover. Also, the AR-15 is America’s favorite rifle for a reason, in that almost everyone wants one. As for the ladies, the last time I put a guy on the cover I caught a lot of razzing about it. In fact, I still hear about that from time to time today.

So while I’m not opposed to more mature ladies with great non-semi-auto hardware, we’ll need a charming, high-resolution photo (digital, por favor) of the vertical sort. In the meantime, here’s Liberty’s photo of her doing her thing. Very nice.

One thought on “LIBERTY: Miss Liberty has a request…”
  1. Cough cough, are there normally females on the cover? I haven’t noticed. I do see a lot of fine looking hardware though.

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