
Brady Campaign’s financial troubles

[caption id="attachment_2508" align="alignnone" width="614"] They wish they had money like this at the Brady Campaign.[/caption] The Brady Campaign is on the ropes financially, just as the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence. Shall not be Questioned (formerly Snowflakes in Hell) has a great post about Brady's problems.  Sebastion there asked if…

Exposing the Myth that Obama respects your gun rights

[caption id="attachment_2499" align="alignnone" width="650"] The freedom hating President.Photo courtesy Getty Images.[/caption] Some liberal, civil rights haters like to say Obama "respects" the Second Amendment and won't go after your guns. That's laughable. In reality, his stated goal is to ban America's favorite rifle, the ubiquitous and versatile sporting rifle known…

Firearms, Ammunition: Better than fiat cash to store wealth

Concerned about the Obama administration's reckless spending proclivities or the Fed's monetizing debt rendering your greenbacks' value deflated? There are alternatives. Firearms and ammunition have long been recognized as a viable store of wealth as they will seldom go down in value if maintained. Here's an article for your edification…

IL DEMOCRATS want to TAX your guns and ammo to pay for crime

[caption id="attachment_2488" align="alignnone" width="403"] Cook County Board Chairman Toni Preckwinkle.[/caption]   The latest idiocy from the Democratic Party of Illinois is delivered by the Cook County Board Chairman Toni Preckwinkle. Preckwinkle wants to tax the law-abiding gun owners in Cook County to pay for Cook County's crime problem. Cook County…

IL House Speaker Michael Madigan: Unbridled Power

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="343"] Michael Madigan. Photo courtesy[/caption] by Jim Butler, President Sangamon County Rifle Association (Guns Save Life) - I’m sure by now that if you haven’t had your head buried in the sand, you are aware that Illinois is the only state that doesn’t have right-to-carry so…

WE ARE WINNING: Gun hater whining grows

Whining from the left continues to grow as the election nears. Steve Chapman at the Chicago Tribune - a strong bastion of support for the First Amendment while working against the Second Amendment - laments the NRA's endorsement of Romney / Ryan over Obama / Biden. Chapman wrote "about a…