Rise and shine!  The ICE man is coming to Chi-town TODAY.  He’s looking for all of those illegals who have committed sex crimes against kids and other serious crimes.  And the gang banging thugs.  You know, those same kiddie diddlers and criminals that the Chicago City Council voted 39-11 to protect last week.

Yes, the Chicago City Council are a whole lot of scoundrels.  But low information voters elect low-information politicians.  That’s how tyranny begins.

But there’s hope on the horizon.  Tom Homan’s ICE are coming.  Hundreds of them.

They might as well be the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse when it comes to illegals in Chicago.  While they’re looking for the illegal criminals, they’ll take any illegals they find.  Kind of like how we used to do it.

Those here illegally will be uprooted with the clothes on their back and chains on their ankles and repatriated to where they came.  Got kids?  Well send the whole family home so they can stay together.

Or, alternatively they can self-deport on their own terms, taking their most important belongings with them.

The extra delicious part of this is how the Governor JB Pritzker’s big mouth put Chicago at the very front of the list for the enforcement raids.

Pritzker famously said after the November election that “anyone who intends to come take away the freedom and opportunity and dignity of Illinoisans, I would remind you that a happy warrior is still a warrior. You come for my people, you come through me.”

Guess what, jackwagon.  Your mouth wrote a check that your fat ass can’t cash.  You’re no warrior.  You’re a trust fund baby born with a silver in your mouth.

Today ICE is coming to Pritzker’s hometown of Chicago. You know, Murder City, USA. And the Mexican drug cartel members there along with Venezuelan Tren de Agua (spelling intentional) gang members had better be on the lookout because there are one-way tickets home waiting for them.

Hopefully some of them will get a little sporty about going home.  Maybe even violently resist.

Tren de Aragua thugs might be the toughest guys on their blocks, but they’re not going to be a match for America’s good guys.

Hell, our women are tougher than those tatted up thugs.

The endeavor will reportedly feature hundreds of ICE agents who don’t give a damn about Illinois’ and Chicago’s respective “sanctuary” laws and ordinances. Or the bloviation of big-mouth governors and Congresscritters who boast they will actively thwart ICE deporting illegals with their own bodies.

Homan’s made it clear that if Mayor Moron obstructs the raids in any way, he too will wear bracelets.

Raids in other so-called sanctuary cities including New York City will reportedly soon follow later in the week.

Some are describing the effort as a “big f**king operation.” Or, as Joe Biden might have described it back when he was semi-compos mentos, “This is a big f**king deal!

From the New York Post . . .

The ICE man cometh.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement is preparing to launch a “big f–king operation” across sanctuary cities — including Chicago and New York — immediately after President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, multiple sources told The Post.

Starting Jan. 21, multi-day “ground operations” will be launched across cities that have served as safe havens for migrants because the local authorities do not cooperate with the federal government when it comes to immigration issues, sources said.

The massive sweep is likely to target people with removal orders, according to sources.

Trump’s incoming border czar Tom Homan has vowed that the mass deportations will begin on Day 1 to focus on illegal immigrants who pose threats to the country.

Let the fun begin and the promises be kept. Obviously there’s about to be a new sheriff in town and he’s not in the mood for illegals to continue victimizing Americans with violencearson, or drugs they’ve brought with them.

29 thoughts on “THANKS TO PRITZKER’S BIG MOUTH: ICE to swarm Chicago TODAY looking for child sex abusers, other criminal illegal aliens”
  1. I would like to personally thank the Republicans who almost universally support ending birthright citizenship that is in direct violation of the US Constitution they pretend to love for being the phonies they are. See below for yourself. This is not a confusing issue. The Constitution says what it says like it or not. Gaslighting on the topic is a futile effort. Republicans have now solidified their position as identical to Democrats: They cherry-pick the parts of the Constitution they like and bold faced ignore the rest. Hence, Republicans, conservatives – whatever that is, have now given up their claim of being “pro-constitution.” You can support whatever you please, just don’t tell people you are for the Constitution, you are not.
    This post has been photographed for proof of posting. Any deletion of this inconvenient source of truth will be proof of not supporting the 1st Amendment either and thus an admission to communism.

    Thank you for admitting why Independent voters are going to rise up!

    Amendment XIV
    Section 1.
    All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

    1. Independent Voter, Yep we are all a bunch of commies because we don’t want illegal invaders coming here and squeezing out a kid so they can continue to feed off our tax dollars. We are commies because we don’t extend Constitutional rights to people here illegally that have no love for this country. Nope, they don’t do the melting pot thing, they’re not trying to learn the language, they fly their flag. they ignore our laws and couldn’t care less about letting us pay for everything. Notice noone ever even says THANK YOU ??? These are parasites. We don’t give them a hug and a kiss so that makes us commies. BTW have you invited them to live at your house and you pay to feed them ? NO ? Then you’re a hypocrite. Now that Trump is flushing the toilet we’ll see all kinds of liberal filth show up to rant. They hate Constitutional rights like the 2nd Amendment but as soon as we pull the blood suckers off they come out of the wood work screaming about rights ( for non Americans ). Have a good cry for the next 4 years and beyond. YOU LOSE and I can’t stop laughing as your agenda goes down the bowl. All together now ….hahahahaha !!!!!

  2. Another “in-depends-ant” spewing his “diaper-leavings” and stinking up the site.
    As has been stated before, the 14th A was established for former slaves after the first Republican emancipated them from the democRATS after the democRAT INSURECTION to secede from the Union after their war to keep their “right” to enslave the Africans they had imported to be their slaves.
    The 14th A was NOT established for ILLEGAL INVADERS to bring their pregnant women to America to give birth to a child to subvert immigration laws by declaring the child a citizen.
    Study the history of the Constitution, “In-depends-ant Voter” and dispose of your “diaper leavings” elsewhere, your “opinion” stinks, JMHO!

    1. GSL 1598, You nailed it !!!! Isn’t it amazing that liberal scum never had an issue with us Americans getting our rights shit on but are all upset because the illegals may not get to continue to feed off us ? Great post Brother .

    2. GSL 1598 – Great Post! Now, if you want to grind your gears, look into this whopper of a cash cow for others: There is a little known practice, sold by foreign individuals / organizations to expectant parents world wide who can afford it. The practice is called “Birth Tourism”. Foreign parents are offered their choice of cooperating hospitals and doctors a country that supports birthright citizenship. Just prior to child birth, expectant moms carefully time their air travel to the chosen birthing location that supports birthright citizenship, and give birth in that country to produce the new “citizen”. The Good Ole USA is not the only country that allows birthright citizenship, but it is a popular destination. The following is an excerpt from a US Senate Report on the practice. Published in 2022, though I could not find a firm citation. The full report is 45 pages.
      I. Executive Summary:
      Birth tourism refers to expecting mothers traveling to the United States to
      obtain U.S. citizenship for their children. These tourists often cite the superior
      educational and professional opportunities available in the United States as their
      justification for making such a trip. Obtaining U.S. citizenship for their children is
      a hedged bet—a rainy day fund for a better life.
      The benefits of U.S. citizenship require little explanation and should be
      cherished by all who are presented with such a unique privilege. Birth tourists
      surely understand the benefits, but fail to comprehend the privilege of U.S.
      citizenship. Birth tourism is problematic because it short circuits and demeans the
      U.S. naturalization process. U.S. citizenship is not a backup plan.

    3. Well, that’s interesting!

      However it ignores the plain language of the 14th Amendment and applying the plain language of the Constitution is the first step in constitutional analysis. You cannot just ignore that language in order to reach an outcome you prefer. The amendment says what it says and it means what it says. The purpose behind it is largely irrelevant. There is no inconsistency in the plain language. There is no ambiguity in the plain language.

      The founding fathers and the authors of our Constitution and amendments were literally legal and historical geniuses. They knew very well the language that they used and they intended that that language be applied as they wrote it. Their words in this instance are very clear, plain and unambiguous!

      The only question that remains unanswered to date in the 14th Amendment is what does “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” mean?

      I think that in the analysis of both personal jurisdiction and subject matter jurisdiction it simply means you are found here and answerable to the laws of the United states and are not a diplomat. It doesn’t mean anything more than that.

      The answer in this problem is not to ignore the Constitution as gsl1589 suggests it is rather in the application of other laws including the laws keeping out our illegal invaders. And even if an illegal Invader gets in and has a child that’s great the child has American citizenship but deny everyone related to that child any special favoritism in applying for his or her own citizenship!

      In Democrat administrations what we have had is and forgive me I’ve forgotten the term but what is it called where everyone in the first degree of consanguinity and spreading out therefrom related to the natural born child gets their own citizenship?

      If we simply end that practice then it makes no sense for Mom and Dad to let their child be born here because they won’t get any special favor from it. And given the small number of actual births from illegal Invaders it won’t have any impact whatsoever and Mom and Dad aren’t going to abandon their kid here just cuz he’s a citizen if they do he goes into social services. What the drain is on our economy is every single relative of of natural born child getting special citizenship rights and then sucking at the government teat at every level of government. If you end that then you end the problem.

      And in ending that problem you don’t have to ignore the constitution.

      I’m going to make a prediction here that when it gets to the Supreme Court and unfortunately it will and that Court will have to make a decision that court is going to decide that it means exactly what it says it does. And history and tradition will bear me out.

    4. MUCHAS GRACIAS, and much thanks, Bill and Patrick, I know of what you write, Patrick, about the “Birther Tourism”, I think the CCP takes advantage of that process to infiltrate America with future “sleeper cells” for nefarious acts. JMHO (just my humble opinion)

  3. I don’t want to hear ANY complaining when the next democrat president wipes out the 2nd Amendment with the stroke of a pen! Trump is setting a very dangerous precedent by directly ignoring the plain text of the Constitution you people wipe your butts with when you’re not the ones affected at that moment. You people have the foresight of a goldfish. Further, I don’t want to hear ANY complaints about the ATF’S attempts to make up law out of thin air that would put YOU in prison for 10 years. Guess who started these unconstitutional flats? Donald Trump. As always, I TOLD YOU SO!

    1. You’re absolutely right, and Trump (GOD BLESS HIM, however) is setting some very bad precedent right now. For instance, what authority is there under the Constitution or laws of the United States for this thing he’s created called “DOGE?” I love it, conceptually, but where’s the BASIS for it in law? I see none. Would you want dumbocrats doing this? NO! I tell ya, watching him sit at the Resolute Desk signing Executive Order after EO “undoing” everything BIteme did gave my heart WINGS!

      And as far as birther tourism is concerned, there’s a very easy fix to this as well, and it wouldn’t involve ignoring/violating our Constitution: SIMPLY deny visas to any pregnant woman. Period. Full stop. That’s all there would be to it. NO visas for pregnant women or women under 50. See? No Constitutional violation (and barring them on the basis of gender and/or age is NOT a violation because the 14th Amendment rights do NOT attach until they’re citizens) whatsoever.

      STOP the birther tourism and anchor baby racket, altogether. And still honor the plain language of the Constitution. NO ONE has a right to travel here WHILE PREGNANT. And also make it a federal crime to knowingly assist an alien in giving birth in the US. Simple, again. WIth the electronic trail involved in scheduling any routine doctor’s appointment nowadays, proving such violations would be exceedingly simple. Make it a FELONY and sentence forfeiture of office and $1,000,000 fine. PROBLEM SOLVED< and Constitution still respected.

    2. “kenny-boy” FYI:
      “what authority is there under the Constitution or laws of the United States for this thing he’s created called “DOGE?””

      “DOGE” is just a “presidential appointment” of advisors to review, identify and publish for the citizens to be aware of the massive waste and fraud of established gubmint programs, grants, offices/property, etc., etc., etc. so the president and congress can eliminate the waste to save the taxpaying citizens unnecessary expenses.

  4. Jon, you might want to drag your members heads out of their butts. While they correctly point out the harm illegal immigrants are causing by abusing the system, THAT is precisely the format anti-gunners have be handed by MAGA to wipe out the Second Amendment because a large portion if the county wants to ignore that text of the Constitution AND they point out where guns are abused and misused. Republicans are having a Bush-era Patriot Act moment. If the Constitution can be wiped off the map by one individual and his pen this country is OVER!

    1. Just wondering, “in-depend-ant voter” just which “county” wants to ignore that text of the Constitution”, out of all the counties in the United States??

    2. Ol coot: the use of the word “department” is kind of a dead giveaway that even your pure Isle brain should be able to grasp!!

      Only Congress can create departments. And the people in d o g e have absolutely no power nor authority to do anything. If they’re going to be cabinet members or heads of departments and they must be appointed by

    3. “kenny-boy” perhaps they are JUST (unpaid) ADVISERS volunteering their time and resources as Patriotic Citizens to reduce the established WASTE ingrained in our BLOATED gubmint, volunteering their services for the greater good of the country. I think, PRESIDENT Trump intends to donate his “presidential salary” to charity, just as he did in his first term in office. Check it out.

  5. FYI, kenny-boy,: the 14th A, adopted on July 9, 1868, as one of the Reconstruction Amendments.

    The Fourteenth Amendment (Amendment XIV) to the United States Constitution was adopted on July 9, 1868, as one of the Reconstruction Amendments. Usually considered one of the most consequential amendments, it addresses citizenship rights and equal protection under the law and was proposed in response to issues related to formerly enslaved Americans following the American Civil War.
    The amendment was bitterly contested, particularly by the states of the defeated Confederacy, which were forced to ratify it in order to regain representation in Congress.
    The amendment’s first section includes the Citizenship Clause, Privileges or Immunities Clause, Due Process Clause, and Equal Protection Clause. The Citizenship Clause broadly defines citizenship, superseding the Supreme Court’s decision in Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857), which had held that Americans descended from African slaves could not be U.S. citizens.
    Since an 1873 decision, the Privileges or Immunities Clause has been interpreted to do little. The Due Process Clause prohibits state and local governments from depriving persons of life, liberty, or property without a fair procedure; the Supreme Court has ruled that this clause makes most of the Bill of Rights as applicable to the states as it is to the federal government, as well as to recognize substantive and procedural requirements that state laws must satisfy.

    1. Well, we all know that you can cut and paste , granddad but there’s no analysis there and it was probably written by ai.

      You missed the very first principle of the interpretation of the Constitution which I explained above. And which your AI written article cut and pasted here does not refute, and that is that the plain language of the Constitution controls. Plain language. That’s a term you will hear in every judicial opinion construing a statute, a Court rule, any administrative rule or a constitution, indeed.

      Whatever the reasons at the time for the adoption of the 14th Amendment it is the language that will control. You can argue until the cows come home about the reasons versus the justification for the Civil War and you will never reach consensus but there is consensus on one thing and that is the interpretation of constitutional language. It begins and ends with the plain language of the document.

      Oh and Professor dershowitz agrees with me!


      So you don’t have to like me and you don’t have to believe what I read but some of the greatest legal Minds in the nation are coming down on my side.

    2. “kenny-boy”,
      If ILLEGAL invaders DO NOT have the Constitutional Rights as citizens do, aka 2A, the right to “keep and bear arms”, why would they be allowed the right to citizenship for their offspring, being as how their crime is illegal entry into America, among other crimes? America has laws to become a citizen, how is it the offspring can bestow, or have bestowed upon themselves, citizenship. If ILLEGAL INVADERS are in America, they must abide by America’s laws and the laws of the state they happen to be in whether they have (illegal) residence or not, how can the offspring be declared citizens? I contend they SHOULD NOT!!! SEND THEM BACK WHERE THEY CAME FROM, let them apply for citizenship lawfully and be vetted for criminal activity (after ten years. the law if deported) if they truly want to be citizens.

    3. Simple: the 14th Amendment says they’re citizens. Again you don’t have to like it but as I’ve said before I’m predicting that this is going to come down on the side of the 14th amendment’s plain text and that Clause within it that says “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” will be held to mean simply that they are found here.

      If you’re following any second amendment litigation you will find that one of the Clauses that is being very critically analyzed is “the people.” Illegal aliens have never been considered part of “the people.”

      There have been a number of decisions that have come down since b r u e n that have discussed whether 18 to 21 year olds are part of “the people” and most of them have concluded that yes they are.

      But I challenge you to find any High Court decision that says illegal aliens are part of “the people.”

    4. “kenny-boy”, you are arguing my point exactly, moron: “I challenge you to find any High Court decision that says illegal aliens are part of “the people.”
      ILLEGAL INVADERS ARE NOT part of “we, the people”, therefore they are NOT CITIZENS; by the VERY FACT they have entered America ILLEGALLY, they are CRIMINALS (aka: NOT allowed to apply for citizenship until they return to their “home country” for ten years then apply for citizenship, be vetted for criminal activity, diseases, etc. satisfy all requirements according to immigration laws, take instruction for citizenship, etc. etc.) and the offspring of illegal invaders should not be allowed citizenship and should be deported with the parents. Just sayin’.

    1. THANK YOU Sven, kudos to you and Mark Levin, a Constitutional scholar, to/for “telling it like it is”!!
      I love listening to Mark L. often on the radio, I consider him a wise Constitutional authority and avid conservative, great reference! 10 thumbs up!

    2. Mark Levin is a very intelligent man but he also did not in his little screen there pay heed to the Cardinal principal of statutory and constitutional interpretation which is the plain language. Justices Scalia,Thomas and Alito would agree with me that that’s where the inquiry ends. There’s no need to delve into what was the intention of the drafters because the intention of the drafter of anything is easily gleaned by reading the language that he used. If they meant the Constitutional amendment to not apply to illegal aliens they could have used six more words and said that explicitly. The intention of the drafter of a document is best interpreted by reading the plain language of said document. Levin has been wrong on many many things throughout his show history as has well let’s say the Supreme Court. Cuz remember until Heller there was no constitutional right to self-defense and the second amendment. Remember? Did it just magically spring into existence? Or was it that it had not been interpreted up until heller? And the one real purpose that is clear in the second amendment in its plain language is the fact that in light of History the adoption of that amendment is to ensure that we the people will always have the right and the means with which to overthrow a tyrannical government. But funny enough none of the Court decisions mention that! Why do you suppose that is? Even though it is the clear reason for the adoption of the amendment.

      So we’re going to get some landmark decisions out of this for sure and the one that I’m eagerly awaiting will be what spells out exactly what that clause, “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” means, in the interpretation of a court of conservative justices appointed by President Trump.

      I disagree with Levin on this. I think it is nearly 100% geographical. If you are found in the United States you are subject to her jurisdiction. PERIOD. That’s pretty much a geographical argument. The notable exception is if you are a diplomat here on diplomatic Duty you are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United states. If you are an illegal alien and you are here illegally then you are subject to the jurisdiction of the United states. Criminal, civil, administrative and otherwise.

      Like dershowitz says (and I wholeheartedly agree) it is a stupid, stupid thing, but there are ways to fix it. We can fix it by amending the Constitution or we can fix it by passing laws and applying laws to, for one example, not let pregnant women in. That would be the simplest solution. And yes you’ll get the occasional woman who is here on for instance an H1B visa for longer than a year who gets pregnant while she’s here and has a baby while she’s here and there’s nothing wrong with recognizing in those few the citizenship they are recognized by the Constitution to have by virtue of their birth here. The problem is allowing in unguarded masses of pregnant illegals who then have their babies here who then suck on the government teet for the rest of their lives, and bring in all of their family members. Again that can all be stopped by statute. And should be!

    3. Sven,,
      I appreciate your reference to Mark Levin, a well versed Constitutional scholar, Attorney, founder, board member and past president of Lanmark Legal Foundation among many other legal entities and many publications (aka: *books*), conservative commenter on radio and television on his own programs as well as many other programs, etc., etc., etc.; tonight (Saturday 1-25-25) on his show “Life, Liberty, and Levin” he dwells intensely on this very subject covering the Dredd Scott Decision and into the beginning of the 14th A, bringing up the term “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof”, that it is NOT ABOUT GEOGRAPHY but that an illegal invader is NOT under the jurisdiction of America, they have NO ALLEGIANCE TO AMERICA, BUT, TO THEIR COUNTRY OF ORIGIN, AS THEY ARE CITIZENS OF THEIR “HOME COUNTRY” AND OWE ALLEGIANCE THERE!!
      “kenny-boy” is such an idiot, narcissist, quisling, and arrogant to boot, he cannot see outside of his rectum! (aka: A$$HOLE, for kenny-boy *who wouldn’t know* what a rectum is)

  6. They can start by arresting the the Governor of Illinois at the Governors Mansion in Springfield, (Oh, Wait, we all know he is never there, as he believes that the Capitol is in Chicago).
    These politicians have never understood that they are elected to represent the citizens of the United States and the States they live in, not the illegal border crossers.
    Stop wasting our money on non citizens and things like a new state flag. Fix some of the real problems this state has, and there is certainly no shortage of those.

    Do your jobs, or go away and let true representatives of the people do the job.

    1. AMEN to that, True Patriot, it seems forever ILL-ANNOY citizens (taxpayers) south of I-80 have NOT had fair representation in the ILL-annoy ass-embly because of democRAT Marxist tyranny.
      democRATS consider the illegal INVADERS as their constituents and NOT the taxpaying citizens.

    2. Hmmmm. The EO was only signed for a day and a federal district judge has already issued a temporary restraining order against it. That judge is a Ronald Reagan appointee! The Trump Administration attorney wanted full argument and briefing on it and I’m sure that would have included discussion of the “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” clause, but the judge said it was the most blatantly unconstitutional thing he had seen in 40 Years of judging. So tell me again there, you old coot, how stupid I am?

      And your last comment was so lacking in critical thought or analysis of any kind that it just doesn’t bear commenting to.

      But you just keep on using AI or Wikipedia to come up with your thoughts and posting them here, old guy! One day you may have an original thought and regret your entire life.

    3. “kenny-boy”, in an above runnonn diatribe you seem confused as to what a “natural born citizen” is; a “natural born citizen” is an offspring of parents who are born in America or are naturalized by applying and going through all requirements, classes of instruction, vetting of criminality and or health, etc., you poor, pour pore pathetic narcissistic quisling.

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