Update to our recent story about the temper tantrum of Leftist “women” about the election.

Don’t look now, gun owners: Unattractive, surly, neurotic ‘women’ pledging to without sex from Trump voters



You sure did a fine job cutting off your nose to spite your face, sweetheart.  Here’s the good news…  you won’t be able to infect your offspring with your woke mind virus.


Cat lady era activated #4b #4bmovement


From Legal Insurrection:

Everyone, point and laugh! Leftist females are once again showing us that they’re not…well, you know.

Batshit crazy?  Or promiscuous?  Not that there’s anything wrong with promiscuousness for many guys…  but it’s the crazy that will get you in trouble.

They’re telling each other not to have sex with males to protest President-elect Donald Trump’s win.

LOL.  Really?  That’ll last.  About a month.

This 4B Movement these ladies talk about started in South Korea in the mid-2010s.

4B stands for “Four Nos”: No dating, no marriage, no sex, no having children with straight men…

Sooo… they’re going to have children with gay men?

Go for it, ladies.

And if you guessed the comments were brutal, well, you win the prize:

From what I have seen of the ones pushing this, there is no real danger of them having to deny sex to a Conservative/Right Wing male, we tend to have better judgement than that.

The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Gremlin1974. | November 10, 2024 at 1:49 pm

It brings to mind a line from George Carlin I will not repeat here…

navyvet in reply to Gremlin1974. | November 10, 2024 at 5:18 pm

And the downside is…?

henrybowman in reply to Dantzig93101. | November 10, 2024 at 3:13 pm

“Getting my tubes tied 2 days after Trump was elected because so the government can’t take away my choice:”
And now your mental deficiencies are safely out of the gene pool.
The ghosts of Sanger, Dugdale, and Goddard are sharing champagne toasts.
Voluntary Eugenics — the very best kind.

Nothing of value was lost.

CommoChief in reply to diver64. | November 10, 2024 at 2:50 pm

A couple of tips for quickly screening out the weirdos who will cause more problems than they are worth;
1. Hair dyed a non natural color; green, blue, bright red
2. Pierced septum, nose ring, more than two ear piercings
3. Visible tattoos but especially neck, hands, face
4. Buzzed haircut including partial
5. Appears even slightly overweight + any of the above, to include dressing in the ‘baggy look’

Not a complete list nor 100% foolproof… but as a way to mitigate risk by avoiding it? Very sound. Don’t dip your wick in Cray Cray b/c it is never worth it.

The women involved with 4B deserve our thanks. They would make lousy wives and mothers.

They are doing men a big favor by not getting men to marry them and later having to divorce them.

They are also doing a big favor to the children they won’t have, but would do a lousy job of raising them if they did have them.

Thank you, girls! Have a happy single life!


7 thoughts on “UPDATE: Mentally ill Leftist ‘women’ continue their jihad against themselves”
  1. Population control at it’s best. NO rational male person would want to engage in “sexual entertainment” with these batpoop crazy “women” drunk or sober.
    Along with the sterile “trannies”, the “gay” lifestyle, and these 4B “anti-sexuals”, these are examples of population control gone wild. A positive for humanity. You GO girls, we really don’t care but perhaps you should get some mental help. Just sayin’.

  2. President Trump has done another nice thing for us …… flushed out all the loony toons so we don’t end up on a date or in a relationship with one of these nut cases. The only thing better is if Trump sent them each a T shirt with “I’m a liberal wacko, RUN ” in large print.

    1. Look for the nose ring. No normal person would want something like that hanging from your nose.

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