The September 2024 issue of GunNews is now available for download and sharing…

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One thought on “GUNNEWS IS AVAILABLE! September 2024 issue of GunNews available for download, sharing.”
  1. Hey Jon Boch you might wanna look at realfuah’s comments on a couple articles back. If you know who this is I’d make sure he doesn’t drag down the 2A cause or make GSL look like a Neanderthal outfit if he’s a member. As you should know a lot of urban people look down on gun owners as a bunch of backward bigoted hicks and thus don’t even take the time to learn about the 2A which could benefit them and us as well by putting more pro-2A voters out there. The stereotype that gun owners are a bunch of knuckle dragging hicks is confirmed with people like realfuah. This is WHY free speech must be protected, so that those who are a burden to a cause, the 2A cause in this case, can expose themselves. If you have moldy bread in the cabinet you definitely want to see it in order to throw it out and not let it contaminate the rest of your food. Same thing here.

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