Patriots United for America and the Illinois Freedom Alliance have partnered up to bring us Grassroots Rising on Saturday, April 27th in Peoria.   The event will take place at the Holiday Inn and Suites at Grand Prairie.

Why should you go?  Their speakers will share how you, one of the so-called “little people,” can make a disproportionate impact upon our government to push back against all manner of things that don’t make America great.  

You’ll enjoy a number of speakers you’ll recognize including Jon Schrock, the National Field Director of the John Birch Society.  They’re each doing great work enabling and empowering the little people to fight back against globalism and one-world governance in their own communities.  John Boch will talk about the attacks on our gun rights and what we can do about it to make a meaningful difference in our lives.

Nancy Hayes will share her thoughts on election integrity and how we can curtail on cheating from the Left.   Kirk Allen from Edgar County Watchdogs will no doubt share tips and tricks for preventing and if necessary exposing government corruption at the local level.  Rochelle Arnold will talk about carbon sequestration and how that’s not such a hot idea for a host of reasons, not the least of which is contamination of aquifers under our land (CO2 plus water equals…  which does what to limestone?  And then what happens?)

Mark Lang and Terry Newsome will round out the roster of great speakers.

Tickets for the event (sans food as the food order was due earlier this week) are still available for $35 to help offset the event promotion expenses.   Visit the Illinois Freedom Alliance for tickets.  I suspect that some tickets will be available at the door, but cannot guarantee it or the quantity.  So go ahead and sign up early.  It’ll be money well spent.

Oh, did I mention a chance to win a great 1911 .45 ACP?