See that photo of that guy (girl?) painting?  That’s what me painting the interior of my home would look like.  So we’ve got a couple of gents in Bloomington who paint for a living painting the interior of our home.

Part of that involved tearing down my electronics suite to give them unfettered access to paint my office.  In a nutshell, that meant no Internet, no tablets, no TV, no video surveillance…  why it was almost like camping!

By the way, we’re ecstatic about the job Royal Treatment Painting in Bloomington has done thus far.

We’re back online now that the office area has been painted and reassembled.  With dual UPS power supplies!

Thanks to Mike K. for a fabulous story on the 10mm.

I’ve got some things in the mix, but first priority is prepping for tomorrow’s speaking presentation at the Grassroots Rising event in Peoria.  By the way, there are still tickets available for $35 (which don’t include breakfast and lunch, but you can still fill up on great speakers.)