Shockingly, Cook County prosecutors and a Cook County Judge didn’t think they could hold a pair of pervs who tried to lure three young teenagers into a van.  No, the felons didn’t claim to have puppies or free candy, but they did claim a famous athlete was inside.  Oh, and they had games.

Seems they also had condoms, lube and mattress, along with booze just for starters.

Fortunately, the ineptness of the judge and Kim Foxx’s office was offset by the ability of the state to hold them for violating earlier conditions of release on other charges.  But if those preliminary holds don’t “hold up” so to speak, Kenchi Edwards and Kraig McCauley will be released until trial.

From CWB Chicago:

CHICAGO — Two men accused of trying to lure children into a van where Cicero police allegedly found condoms, lubricant, and a mattress were not detained on the charges because prosecutors and the judge mistakenly believed attempted child abduction is not a detainable offense under Illinois’ cashless bail system.

Both men have been detained for other reasons, one for violating parole and the other for violating probation. However, if those holds are released, they will go home on electronic monitoring.


During an initial appearance at the Leighton Criminal Courthouse at 26th and California on Sunday, Assistant State’s Attorney Sarah Dale-Schmidt presented the state’s allegations against the men, Kenchi Edwards, 60, and 55-year-old Kraig McCauley…

Try releasing men attempting to abduct young teens in a small town, folks, and they might not make their next court appearance.  Or anything else.

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