Todd Vandermyde’s “Freedom’s Steel” YouTube channel received the honor of a nomination to the annual Gundies awards.  He’s under the category of “Top Voices for the 2nd Amendment.”

Todd Vandermyde at Freedom’s Steel.

Frankly, it’s a big honor to even be considered for one of these nominations, much less to make the cut.  Todd did it but “Freedom’s Steel” has some VERY tough competition from the likes of Mark Smith at Four Boxes Diner and William Kirk at Washington Gun Law in that category.

One thing going against Todd is that he doesn’t produce content on a daily or near-daily basis.  Like me, he’s got jobs to do making his dent in the universe.  Nevertheless, it’s a huge honor that Todd deserves.

Basically, if you visit the Gundies website, you can vote for up to 15 nominees each day.

They try to keep you coming back for the clicks and for the referrals they try to sneak in with each vote cast (make sure you uncheck the boxes on the ballot confirmation or your email box will be overflowing with spam).  Or, better yet, use a throwaway email address to register.

Voting continues through the end of the month.


One thought on “GUNDIE AWARDS: Our own Todd Vandermyde nominated for a Gundie Award as ‘Top Voices of the 2nd Amendment’”
  1. Congrats out to Todd V. and special thanks for keeping up and sharing information with us in the Firearm Rights community!

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