The Governor’s race.
Here’s one that’s not hard… we have a GSL life member Darren Bailey running against a radical leftist who would sign a bill to take your guns in a heartbeat.
Chicago went all-in on wokeness with their “bodily autonomy” sanctuary city ordinance. It ensures that female genital mutilation, abortion until birth and “gender dysphoria” butchery in teens will all remain legal in Murder City USA no matter what. Still waiting for them to pass a Second Amendment Sanctuary ordinance to recognize and protect a right that’s actually enumerated in the US Constitution.

Speaking of Guns Save Life members…
A whole bunch of candidates running for county, state and national office are Guns Save Life members. Frankly, we’re not aware of any of them that are anything other than true role models when it comes to adamantly pro-gun to their core. If you’re not sure about them, ask ‘em if they are GSL members. If they say yes, you’ve got a candidate who isn’t afraid to be aggressive in promoting gun rights.
“Dear Leader” Jim Durkin.
What Jim Durkin lacks in leadership skills he makes up for in a super-sized ego. He squandered precious resources upwards of seven figures during the primary season trying to get his not-always pro-gun loyalists elected in primaries so he could remain “leader.”
Check this out: Durkin spent about a million during the primaries trying to elect loyalists over Make America Great Again candidates. He hasn’t even been able to raise a million dollars in the third quarter. I guess we’re not the only people DISGUSTED with “Dear Leader” Durkin’s piss-poor leadership, huh?
From Rich Miller, the establishment Democrat mimeograph in Springfield:
As expected, Republican fundraising could not even come close to keeping pace with the Democrats. House Republican Leader Jim Durkin’s personal committee reported raising $820,000 in the third quarter, just 12% of Welch’s haul.
That’s it? OMG. This Durkin clown is a joke. Sadly, the joke’s on us.
Durkin ended the quarter with $319,000, after spending $1.8 million, including sending $300,000 to his caucus committee, House Republican Majority. He’s since reported raising $1.4 million through Oct. 21.
House Republican Majority reported raising about $1.4 million in the third quarter, plus Durkin’s $300,000. It spent $1.6 million and ended the quarter with $220,000. It has since reported raising $1.6 million through Oct. 21, but $850,000 of that came from Durkin’s personal committee.
All told, that left Durkin with about $2.5 million to spend in the final five weeks — about 16% of Welch’s grand total.
In other words, Durkin’s got bupkis. Great leadership there, Leader Durkin! Great leadership.
Senate Republican Leader Dan McConchie reported raising $2.7 million in the third quarter, with about $2.2 million of that coming from Richard Uihlein. He reported spending $3.1 million, with $2.9 million going to his caucus committee, Senate Republican Victory Fund. He ended the third quarter with $1.2 million cash on hand and has since reported raising $870,000.
We’ve heard good things about Dan McConchie. He’s no Jim Durkin.
The Senate Republican Victory Fund reported raising about $400,000 in the quarter, plus the $2.9 million transferred in by McConchie. It spent $3.3 million, and ended the quarter with $296,000. It has since reported raising $1.3 million, with $1 million of that coming from McConchie’s personal campaign.
Total it up, and it appears that McConchie has about $2.6 million to spend on the final five weeks — about 12% of what Harmon has.
At the same time, Dear Leader Durkin recently told one of the Chicago newspapers that he’s one of those rare Republicans who will support gun and magazine bans.
Support for gun control means he’s not fit for office, much less leadership. But that’s our Illinois Republican leadership. Until politicians of both parties embrace gun rights, not gun control, we need more primary challenges of soft-on-guns candidates like lil’ Jimmy.
Energize and motivate your right-minded friends and family to get them to take the time to vote. You may need to anger them by talking about their hot button issues to help convince them to break out of their habit of not voting and instead going down to their polling place and casting a ballot for the pro-gun candidates.
It doesn’t matter if their hot-button issue isn’t guns. Maybe it’s the economy, abortion, illegal immigration, Covid lockdowns and masking mandates, vaccine mandates, sex ed for kindergartners or the high cost of gas, food and electricity. Help them see the light and get them sufficiently motivated to get off the couch and vote.