Month: August 2021

Piss-ant Potentate Politicians

  By “Desiderius Erasmus,” a GSL member In the 1930s between Belgium and Poland, a piss-ant, potentate politician decided that he was going to get rid of an entire group of people upon whom he blamed his country’s ills, calling them vermin (Ungeziefer) and deplorables (bedauernswerten). He was devious enough,…

LAWLESS INNER CITY CHICAGO: Chicago cop murdered, second critical. Mayor gets into argument with wounded officer’s family, gets shunned by cops. Killer reportedly drew probation for robbery charge in 2019.

[caption id="attachment_30512" align="aligncenter" width="634"] Ella French was shot and killed by a violent felon in Chicago Saturday night. Her partner was also nearly killed.[/caption] Last night, just after 9pm, two Chicago police officers faced at least one armed offender.  Both officers were shot in the face.  The female officer, Ella…