Month: March 2020


Political reasons probably account for why the Journal of the American Medical Association loves to print junk science when it comes to guns.  But when it comes to real medicine, they have some relevant and scientifically sound content. So, reading their very recent (as in last Thursday, March 26th) story…

Day 8: Martial Law Coming to IL?

It's Day 8ish of Illinois Governor JB Pritzker's "Shelter in Place" order - or whatever you want to call it.  The number of cases is going up each day in Illinois (duh!).  Most of the new confirmed Chinese virus patients are in Cook County. The good news is that while…

DAY 7: Transformative Times

[caption id="attachment_28374" align="aligncenter" width="720"] It's a trap. Image via[/caption]   'Rona update.   The chyron says it all. It's looking more and more like the Chi-com flu isn't as deadly as earlier predictions claimed.  This is good news for America.  And bad news for the sensationalist media, the opportunist…