U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 86, now has malignant pancreatic cancer. She just finished three weeks of radiation therapy, according to multiple media sources. There’s even a photo of a frail RBG leaning against a US Marshal as she entered her apartment.
Here is the statement from the press office at the US Supreme Court:
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg today completed a three-week course of stereotactic ablative radiation therapy at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. The focused radiation treatment began on August 5 and was administered on an outpatient basis to treat a tumor on her pancreas. The abnormality was first detected after a routine blood test in early July, and a biopsy performed on July 31 at Sloan Kettering confirmed a localized malignant tumor. As part of her treatment, a bile duct stent was placed. The Justice tolerated treatment well. She canceled her annual summer visit to Santa Fe, but has otherwise maintained an active schedule. The tumor was treated definitively and there is no evidence of disease elsewhere in the body. Justice Ginsburg will continue to have periodic blood tests and scans. No further treatment is needed at this time.
According to some medical professionals, Pancreatic Cancer is no longer a death sentence. With a survival rate in the single digits, it may as well be. John Brems, M.D.,F.A.C.S. from the Center for Pancreatic Care – Advocate Sherman Hospital wrote this about the disease:
Pancreatic Cancer: No Longer a Death Sentence
Pancreatic cancer is one of the most deadly malignancies known. It is currently the third leading cause of cancer mortality and will very shortly be the second leading cause of cancer mortality in this country. Over the past 25 years survival from all cancers has increased from approximately 25% to 60%. However, the survival from pancreatic cancer remains approximately 5-6%. It has not improved over the course of that time despite improvement in surgical techniques, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. In the United States, more than 45,000 people were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer yearly and up to 38,000 died from it. It does not cause symptoms right away. Therefore, pancreatic cancer is often diagnosed very late in its presentation. More than 75% of patients have Stage III or Stage IV pancreatic cancer at the time of diagnosis. Therefore survival averages only about 11-12 months once diagnosed.
Ginsburg has the reputation as one of the hard-left members of the US Supreme Court. And as the oldest sitting member, speculation on her retirement has swirled for many years now. She elected not to retire under Obama, saying she wanted to serve 35 years like Justice John Paul Stevens. With 26 years under her belt, it looks like she will not make that mark.
When she either retires from the Court or her term ends with her death, it will no doubt set off a frenzy of partisan political hyperbole from the American Left that will make the Kavanaugh nomination look like a walk in the park. They know that if they lose RBG’s seat, SCOTUS will move to the right for a generation or more.
And the chances of packing the court at a future date are doubtful at best. It’s a nice pipe dream, but is about as likely as Ginsburg making it to her 95th birthday.
Given how President Trump has selected his Supreme Court nominations from a list he made public before the 2016 election, it would certainly look as though gun rights will fare very well as all remaining members on that list solidly support the Second Amendment.
Meanwhile, Bloomberg, Soros and their ilk will suffer yet another setback in their efforts to ban guns for the little people in America.
I think I heard the Hallelujah Chorus playing in the background as I read that story!
The survival rate is 5 or 6%. I doubt the number is that high for an 86 year old. She should retire and enjoy time with family while she has can. But as a hard core leftist control freak I’m sure she won’t. It will be wonderful when Trump replaces her.
To quote the man: NOBODY gets out of life alive.
Do not celebrate the ill health nor death of another, for you are soon to follow.
Maybe pray for her? That he sees the light before her ETERNAL CONDEMNATION to the pit of fire? She’s singularly responsible for fifty, sixty million abortions. That’s some special depth of Hell she’s facing.
I like that, Ken. Very well spoken and very true.
To quote Legal Insurrection:
“It’s so serious, even Russia-collusion-nutter Trump-Derangement-Syndrome-stricken Harvard Law Prof. Laurence Tribe is asking people to pray.”
Yep, even the atheists are praying for RBG.
That’s down right funny. The left so desperate that the resort to praying.
I am not a drinking man but if this ole witch kicks the bucket I will take of sip of the cheapest wine I can find; To toast her path to hell
Highlighting “There are no atheists in foxholes.” Reason seeks an escape route no matter what.
If you’re referring to me I am Christian. Just because someone disagrees with some of your politics or gun policy doesn’t make him a liberal.
I predict a “Weekend at Bernies” future for the Honorable Judge Ruth Ginsberg.
A really nervous time for Satan . Getting largely over crowded with people telling him out loud – YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG .
I almost feel sorry for ol’ Beelzabub having this nasty old scarecrow to spend eternity with. (NOT)
Godly, Constitution-abiding replacement will be welcome
Gun hating Big Tech is building a social credit score system similar to that of China.
In the Chinese system your credit, your right to travel and ability to have a job is all based on your social scoring system.
Any bets on how gun owners, Christians, Conservatives and Trump Supporters will fair in this new Bolshevik social scoring system.
The Democrats have failed us, the republicans have failed us.
Our Government has lost its moral authority.
Hi there, its nice paragraph concerning media print, we all know media
is a great source of facts.
Thank you Aristocracy, for putting it so succinctly and pithy, simply put.
Obviously just a troll that is attempting to use voice-to-print but doesn’t speak English very well. There are also hidden links in there you don’t want to click. Administrator needs to kick them off the page.