

by Steve Davis, Esq.
Guns Save Life

The people who steadfastly believe in gun control live in a fantasy world.  They exist, mentally at least, in a place no more real than Skittle-crapping unicorns, winged fairies and dope-smoking caterpillars.   Pretending Alice in Wonderland is true doesn’t make it reality. 

Let us examine some of the most common gun control fables, shall we?

The world would be a better place without firearms.  
I just read a guest editorial on this theme in my local paper. The writer came from the 1960’s counter-culture.  You know, the dope-smoking, peace, love and harmony generation.  I could almost hear the Youngbloods singing, “Get Together” in the background as I read his simple-minded missive.  

In fact, there was a time without firearms.  We call it the Dark Ages.  In those times, strong young men freely ran roughshod over the weak, the young and the elderly.  Back then, men took what they wanted from women.  And the lone person lived at the mercy of the gang.  It was a time of superstitions trumping science; barbarism over civility.

Few intelligent people today would want to return to the Dark Ages, and for good reason.  

The police will protect you.  
Tell that to the parents of the dead kids at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.  

Yes, our law enforcement officers generally try hard to protect and serve. But, the simple fact is they cannot be everywhere at once.  While cops are minutes away, protection can be in the palm of your hand in the form of Sam Colt’s great equalizer.  

Once again, even if the police are present, they may not protect you from evil.  Sometimes they might wait outside.  Recall the Pulse nightclub fiasco, where police waited outside for hours before storming the club.  And Columbine.  And now the Parkland, FL school massacre.  Each of these dramatically proves my point.

I am safer in a Gun Free Zone. 
Nowhere is the odor of burning marijuana stronger than on those who repeat this fantasy.  Never mind that literally 98 percent of massacres have occurred in gun free zones.    


Spree killers who survived have admitted seeking out gun free zones to avoid armed resistance.  These losers want to victimize the helpless.

If you believe a paper sign will protect you from someone willing to kill, then you might be high as a kite.  

Concealed carry equals blood in the streets.  Gun-hating leftists love to repeat this hackneyed cliche.  Maybe it’s true in a world where leprechauns guard pots of gold at the feet of rainbows.  In the real world though, it never comes to pass.  


What’s more, CCW holders represent the most law-abiding in society.  In the State of Florida, concealed carry holders are six times less likely to be involved in an illegal violent act than police officers.

Furthermore, in states where teachers and armed staff have been allowed in schools, there have been zero injuries or deaths from accidents.  More importantly, those states have not suffered any school shootings.

It’s true:  everywhere concealed carry is allowed experiences a drop in crime. Whether Alice the Snowflake wants to believe it or not, the facts are the facts.

Good guys carrying guns does not result in blood in the streets, schools or anywhere else.
The Second Amendment is outdated.
The framers of our Constitution were afraid of tyranny and excesses of central government.  They recognized that citizens had the right to bear arms to resist tyranny.

Has mankind and the central governments improved since 1791 such that the Founders fears are unjustified?  Well, Stalin, Hitler, Mao ZeDong, and Pol Pot killed approximately 100 million of their own citizens in the last century.

More recently, the Rwandan government watched as savages butchered a million of its citizens with machetes.  As Matt Bracken has succinctly pointed out, it’s a lot easier to load us into boxcars when we’ve been disarmed.  


Denying reality has no survival value, nor will it make anyone safer.  Instead of living in a child’s world of make-believe, prudent and thoughtful people will consider the facts while sober.  From there, intelligent people make sensible decisions based on facts, not fiction. 

14 thoughts on “The Gun Control Fantasy World”
  1. What is needed is a lawsuit against Gun Free business entities and political jurisdictions by someone injured by a shooter in those locations.   When you limit civil rights of people to defend against violence there should be a strict liability for injuries from shooters while using those Gun Free facilities.

    All of this could be stopped without onerous legislation by teaching why the office cubicle was created in 1968.  (14 year project about visual subliminal distraction  is.gd/Y0ERDp  .)  

    Today computers allow anyone to create the "mental break causing design mistake" design engineers discovered and solved fifty years ago.

    Evidence exists that the Virginia Tech, Redlake tribal school, Jokela, Finland culinary school, Virginia GOP ball practice, Las Vegas, and Atlanta day trader killers created the “special circumstances” for Subliminal Distraction.  (See site pages is.gd/IOZm8K .The Las Vegas page has illustrations.)

    There is a multi-billion dollar industry selling cubicles and Systems Furniture to prevent the "office worker" sudden onset panicked episode of confusion. But the public, mental health services, and research are unaware this problem does or even could exist.

    This is something everyone with a computer at home or a child in school/college should learn.


  2. Well, a law suit didn't help the fine gun owners of MA yesterday. The outcome of the lawsuit involving Deerfield is going to be interesting. 

    I wonder what the Patriots of MA are going to do about that ruling against them? 

  3. Due to the recent headline regarding people using cars as killing machines next on the agenda from the lunatic left with the exact same logic applied: Any car that looks like a military vehicle such as a Jeep or Hummer that has an Automatic Transmission that makes the car go faster simply by holding your foot on the gas pedal must be banned,,,which of course would then ban virtually all cars that have an automatic transmission. Citizens will have 90 days to sell or bring in to the local authories or we'll call in an airstrike and blow you off the road. This includes any and all that use our roads even if they're just passing through. 

  4. We want ATF to issue MORE infringements ….RE – Bump Stocks ( soon expanding to all semi autos ) ….. thaks a bunch N.R.A.

    Due Process can come later and lets STRIP Freedom from young adults 18 to 21 ,  D.J.T.

    Betrayal SHALL be called out.

    1. I found this interesting, I read that the NRA did in fact call for a bumpstock ban but the part nobody noticed at least not until later was that the NRA wanted bumpstocks that cause the rifle to fire at the rate EXACTLY like the full auto version every time they are used should be banned ( they don't exist ) but any other type ( all the ones that do exist ) DO NOT make the gun fire EXACTLY the same every time but instead it will fire faster or slower depending on the person shooting and never exactly at the same rate of a real full auto version, therefor the currently available bumpstocks would NOT meet the requirement and would be exempt from a ban. the gun control crowd figured it out and that's why they rejected the NRA version in favor of all bumpstocks. 

  5. Can someone please make sense of this shit? I really dont get it, like what on Earth is between your ears? Eeeeeeeeee

  6. Gawsh dern libtards wanna mess up my america, like wtf, amirite!?!? Amen brutherrrr. God hates thse rutin tootin librollz, gimme my 9 so i can do sumtin bout it, amirite bruther, sekund amendmant bruthrrrr!!! Also, how bout the rwandans rite??? Discrimination and genocide = because of no guns. 

  7. But honestly, im really lost with this shit, can someone help me make sense of it? One of u dipshits needs to explain this.

    1. Certainly, we will explain this. first stop acting like a child with the stupid posts. then read the articles with an open mind. the first time you realize that some facts have been withheld or manipulated by the gun control / March for our lives types you will experience a great awakening and realize…… " They've been feeding me BS all along and it has nothing to do with ending mass killings." it'll happen be patient.

  8. True but irrelevant.

    The DECEPTION is citizen disarmament is FOR OUR SAFETY!

    They do not want us safe – they want us HELPLESS to the will of their rule!

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