
Since the election, Americans have witnessed outbreaks of Trump Derangement Syndrome on a regular basis. So-called Antifa thugs – the Anti-First Amendment fascist people – have brought violence and lawlessness to countless cities. Often times, these black-clad hooligans have been given free reign to terrorize political opponents as sympathetic local politicians order police to stand down.

But let a gun owner suggest packing heat at a rally supporting our president and all hell breaks loose.

Antifalikes to playsm

While we've seen physical violence towards President Trump's supporters, it hasn't stopped there. The so-called Hollywood elite have fetishized the beheading the president and blowing up the White House.  Even former President Barack Obama has called for removing Trump "by any means necessary".

To this day, Antifa still calls for physical attacks upon anyone supporting PDT.


Yet the reaction to a relative nobody from flyover country suggesting that gun owners pack their heaters at an upcoming rally in support of our president has caused the left to fill their britches.

From the fine folks at RawStory:

Trump-loving gun nut calls on ‘armed conservatives’ to shoot protesters at West Virginia rally

Police and federal authorities are reportedly investigating a West Virginia man’s social media threats against protesters at President Donald Trump’s upcoming rally.

The president is scheduled to hold a campaign rally Thursday afternoon in Huntington, and one of his supporters warned protesters they would be shot for blocking roads, according to local news website Downtown Huntington.

BE ADVISED: There is a man threatening to kill protestors at @POTUS' rally next week in #HuntingtonWV & calling for others to join him…

— Downtown Huntington (@DowntownHWV) July 30, 2017

The website posted a screenshot of the threatening comments posted by Dana Capron, a gun-loving Trump supporter who frequently comments on online news stories.

…Capron’s social media accounts have been deactivated, and Downtown Huntington reported that his Facebook post was under investigation by local and federal authorities, including the U.S. Secret Service and the FBI.

Here's a screen capture of the original post:


Obviously Mr. Capron, if he did indeed post this, did not call for shooting people as the RawStory's sensational headline blared.  Nor did he call for murdering protesters as the Downtown Huntington Twitter account alleged.

Not any more than President Obama called for the assassination of President Donald Trump, right?


One thought on “The Left Shows Their Raging Hypocrisy Towards Violence”
  1. You need to do more research before you post. Obama never Tweeted that "any means necessary" comment. It was a hoax.

    "James McDaniel, a 28-year-old Clearwater native, said he created a fake news website last month as a joke to see just how naive Internet readers could be."

    You are getting incensed at you're political opponents over a hoax.


    Naive indeed.

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