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Sometimes it takes courage to propose a revolutionary idea…  like encouraging the black community to step off the gun control plantation.

Yeah, I wrote it:  the gun control plantation.  It’s inflammatory, but the description fits.  Gun control doesn’t benefit the black community.  It only empowers criminals and politicians who would oppress members of that community.

Here’s the story of a courageous, young Philly activist we admire (and have invited to swing by Central Illinois and speak at a Guns Save Life meeting), from the Independent Journal.

‘Black Guns Matter’ Founder Is Taking on Gun Violence in a Way the Media Is Ignoring

Recently, 29-year-old Philadelphia activist and artist Maj Toure posed a thought provoking question to his hometown:

“What if we stopped trying to get guns off the streets and instead started licensing young men in Philly to legally pack heat?”

Toure is the founder of Black Guns Matter, a campaign aimed at that educating young people about guns and gun safety while teaching respect for firearms in an effort to curb gun violence.

“The stigma, especially in an urban environment like Philly, is if you have a gun, you’re either law enforcement or the bad guy,” Toure said. “What we’re trying to do is say that just because you have a gun doesn’t make you the bad guy. But while you have your firearm, which you have the right to have, you have to be a responsible, card-carrying good guy.”

In an interview on NPR last month, Toure said, “In our community especially, maybe even deliberately, there’s a lot of misinformation and ignorance. And if we continue down that same path, we’re going to keep getting what we’ve been getting.”

Toure hopes his BGM campaign will educate others on what it takes to become a legal gun-owner and the responsibilities that go along with it.

“I was 15, walking around with a gun I had no idea how to use and no real respect for,” he said. “In hindsight, I wish there would have been somebody to say, hey, this is a firearm, it’s not a game. So when I’m seeing other people living out the same scenario, I want to be that adult teaching them properly.”

This week, Toure was featured in an informational video on Fusion where he said people in Philadelphia should not only have guns – they should know how to use them.

As the BGM Facebook page states, “There Is An All Out Assault On Our Second Amendment. Protect Your Weapons With Your Life, Or Your Life With Your Weapons. #ShallNotBeInfringed”

3 thoughts on “NICE: Black GUNS Matter… Gun rights activist brings education about gun rights to black communities”
  1. Good for him!

    Watch him get called names for trying to enlighten his community. Of course, the vitriole will come from the plantation residents who are kissing butt of the plantation masters!

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