Trevon Dindu Nuffin2


Does it take a hood to raise a thug?


So says Nautika Harris, relative of a thug shot DRT (dead right there) by a Miami homeowner that caught him in the act of burglarizing her home.

The young man, 17-year-old Trevon Johnson (here we go again) got himself perforated by a 54-year-old homeowner.

Then along comes the family of young Trevon (our sympathy to all the young men of character who are named Trayvon or variant thereof) to say that it wasn’t fair.

“I don’t care if she have her gun license, her rights, or any of that,” said Nautika Harris. “That is way beyond law. Way beyond.”  Of course, with a name like Nautika, you had to suspect there would be pearls of wisdom flowing from her pie-hole, right?

It gets better:  “You have to understand, you have to look at it from a child’s point of view that was raised in the hood. How he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school?” she said on camera.

Of course, the young criminal without self-discipline, impulse control, morals or scruples was going to school to become an astronaut, or astrophysicist – or more likely an astronot.  Young Nautika described Trevon for the audience:  “He had a future ahead of him. Trevon had goals. He was very big on education. He loved going to school. He loved learning,” added Harris.

He loved learning alright.  He learned that you can get yourself perforated when entering someone else’s home to steal what isn’t yours.

Here’s the report from the local TV station.


17 thoughts on “APPLE, TREE… Dead thug’s kin: “How he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school?””
    1. You’ve got to be kidding me, this is their mentality!!!! These people are so fast to blame someone else, even if they are involved in armed robbery, assault, burglary, drug dealing or murder,they claim that it’s not their fault & that they are being racially profiled!!!!! What a joke they are, if they want or need something, then they should go out & buy it like the rest of us do!!!! UNTIL they learn that, they’re going to be dealt with accordingly.

  1. “Pearls of wisdom flowing from her pie-hole?” Yep. Moral turpitude must run in her family and the people she hangs with. Good riddance to Trevon. He won’t be breaking into any more houses or victimizing his friends, neighbors or relatives any longer so he can have clothes to go to school or marijuana to get smoke.

    1. The one time social security death benefit of $288 (or something close to that) will buy him a decent suit for his funeral.

  2. Sad thing is, if the DA in the county or city this occurred in is an anti-gun liberal, she may be charged just for show. This is Miami we are writing about. I would imagine liberals are deep in the politics in and around that area. Especially since she “raced” to the house and then confronted him in her backyard. A liberal DA might try to use the “vigilante” rhetoric against her. Hopefully not though.

  3. The sisters friend doesn’t seem upset about the thug getting justice. Maybe she was one of his victims?

  4. And Florida has how many Conceal carry permits compared to every other state ? Reason number 545 provided family members of TREVON.

    1. Heaven forbid he not be buried in the latest “Hip Hop” fashion to meet the worms. Right down to his “Air Jordans” or whatever young people think they have to wear to be with the cool kids.

  5. You would think that as much into school poor Trevon was he would have learned it’s not healthy to break into someone’s house. This bullshit of “blame the victim” gets old. This entitled mentality leads right back to the asshole in the White House who hasn’t done anything to promote racial harmony. Instead his legacy will be the guy that fostered racial hatred and set American race relations backwards.

  6. After 52 years of giving these people almost everything they squeal for, they now have an unreversable mindset that everything belongs to them and is free for the taking. Buy, learn, practice and carry my friends.

  7. Reminds me of that Azikiwe Presley thug who got blasted around new years. No sympathy for this guy, sick of the victim complex of these hood rats. It’s depressing.

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