
by John Boch

Today is Election Day.  Go vote, early and often.

Here’s some last-minute news on the race in Illinois’ 50th Senate District, where incumbent Sen. Sam McCann is facing a primary challenge underwritten by establishment GOP types.

From Sangamon County Rifle Association.

We are aware of voters in the 50th Senate District getting a “2nd Amendment Alert” for Bryce Benton trying to tie Senator Sam McCann to “liberal democrats” trying to take your 2nd Amendment rights. THIS IS FALSE! Please read facts below, ans share this so other 2A supporters can have the facts:

1) Sam McCann is a staunch supporter of your 2A rights. He is endorsed by the National Rifle Association Ballot Victory Fund.

2) Sam is a frequent guest and speaker at local gun rights groups, gun shows, and at Illinois Gun Owner Lobby Day

3) Sam’s son is a tournament trap shooter

4) Sam has sponsored bills to expand Conceal Carry rights and to eliminate the FOID card.

5) This “alert” was paid for by Liberty Principles PAC, a group headed by Dan Proft of Cicero, IL. They are a Chicago area PAC that has spent over $3 million to run the most negative, nasty campaign seen in recent memory against Sam McCann.

Sam McCann is one of our best friends at the State House. His opponent is employed by the Illinois State Police. The same organization that has tried additional restrictions on concealed carry, and administers the FOID card system.

Please share as far as you can and vote accordingly tomorrow Tuesday March 15th in the GOP Primary.



I’d add that Sam McCann is part of the Guns Save Life family and has been a member as long as I can remember (10 years plus).  Not only that, but he eagerly accepted my offer to become the inaugural speaker at the first Guns Save Life Sangamon County meeting.   I know him personally and there’s not a finer man when it comes to proudly wearing gun rights on his sleeve.

The people who paid for these calls and these adds attacking McCann are Liberty Principles PAC.  It’s headed by Dan Proft of Cicero, IL.

Let’s talk about Proft, and I won’t even start to touch on the endemic corruption and crony politics that is Cicero, Illinois.  I’ll let Wikipedia’s 49k entries speak to that.


Those are just the first five.

Dan Proft is a senior fellow at the Illinois Policy Institute.  Who is the IPI?  Well, it’s supposedly a conservative think tank.


We don’t have a lot of love for them at Guns Save Life.

Why’s that?  Well, they threw us under the bus faster than a New York Minute in the spring of 2011 when GSL came under fire for attacking Lisa Madigan’s attempt to make public the list of Firearms Owners Identification Cards.

At Guns Save Life, we remember our friends.

We also remember those who were supposedly friends but who later toss us under the bus.




6 thoughts on “PRIMARY ELECTION DAY: Go Vote! Illinois 50th Senate district… GSL member Sen. Sam McCann’s primary challenger getting ugly”
  1. Nice picture of the Salvi sign. You guys sure are serious about stuff, aren’t you?

    I voted today. Did you?!

  2. Sam McCann wants to repeal the FOID card?

    I wish I could vote for him!

    I hope the good people in is district votes for him!

  3. He CLAIMS to be for our 2a rights, but then again, he CLAIMED to be a veteran during his first campaign. Wouldn’t vote for anyone GUILTY of stolen valor.

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