Photo via Wiki

You need another reason to become a gun owner, and to get training and practice to develop and maintain your defensive firearm skill sets?

How about this great news about at least one of the committed Muslim jihadists our Muslim-in-Chief set to be released from Guantanamo Bay.

(Breitbart) – The Obama Pentagon announced Monday that Guantánamo detainee Muhammad Abd Al Rahman Awn Al-Shamrani, 40, will be transferred back to his home country of Saudi Arabia.

With the Monday announcement, Al-Shamrani became the fourth Guantánamo detainee released in 2016. U.S. officials determined him to be a “high risk” for recidivism, warning he would likely re-engage against the West should he be released from the detention facility. He also allegedly told guards at the facility that he would “kill Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan if released,” according to his leaked confidential file.

On January 6th, Al Qaeda-linked detainees Mahmud Umar Muhammad Bin Atef and Khalif Muhammad Salih Al-Dhuby were released from the Guantánamo Bay detention center. On January 8, Faez Ahmed Al-Kandari, another Al Qaeda-linked detainee who was suspected of working as a jihadi recruiter and expert propagandist, was released.

The four men are part of a group of 13 more detainees that that the administration will likely be released by the end of this month, according to reports.

According to leaked military documents, Al-Shimrani is an Al Qaeda recruiter who may have served as one of Osama bin Laden’s personal bodyguards. He was deemed to pose a “high risk” against the United States.


The poor goats in Saudi Arabia.  Al-Shamrani is going to have a lot of pent up sexual energy he’s going to release on the camels and goats when he gets home.

And while Al-Shamrani may not come to a town near you to carry out his jihad, he may well plan and/or direct attacks in America.

Let’s hope President Trump finds a Hellfire missile to dedicate to Mr. Al-Shamrani.

Because goat lives matter.

15 thoughts on “WHOSE SIDE IS HE ON? Obama releases committed jihadist from Guantanamo Bay to Saudi Arabia”
  1. It’s hell having an un-American traitor in the White House. The only way this goathumper should go home is in a body bag with a hog head in it.

  2. Whose side is Obama on? Muslims!

    What, is it a trick question or something?

    If Obama thinks these people are so harmless, why not let them stay in the Lincoln bedroom at the White House!

    Yeah, we can’t build a fence at the border to keep people out, but Obama builds a bigger, better fence at the White House.

    I can’t wait until that bastard is out in just 366 more days.

    No more defiling our nation’s capital with his evil touch.

  3. Google Obama admitting his Muslim beliefs, you will see him in an interview saying “my Muslim” beliefs. He gets corrected and he says oh yeah I meant to say Christian beliefs. Two words, sleeper terrorist.

  4. All comments, all racists.All Comments, all dirty racist fucking disgusting klansman cunts. All of you are dirty fucking racists bigots klansman teabaggers cunts!

    Whoever put this video out is a disgusting piece of shit. A Vile, putrid botched abortion.

    Yeah, and that didn’t start the day Obama was elected, did it. Obama is a Kenyan, Obama is a muslim, Obama is unAmerican, Obama is a race baiter. The right has done nothing but disparage Obama and everything he tried to do. The right has made it abundantly clear that they are the party of white domination, and no boy named Obama was going to ever get credit for anything good happening in this country. They could not countenance a black man in the white house, and would never let him have any success. So, I guess you assholes got what you wanted…there is more racial divide on the surface now…but it has been just below the surface for as long as I can remember. It was all ok for the right when THEY knew their place…but let one of them get uppity and the right does their best to show them who’s really in charge. Yeah Jimmy…it’s just a matter of time before you are in the minority…and I actually feel bad for you, because you won’t handle it very well…

    Obama is anything but a Socialist. He stands to the Right of Eisenhower and is trying very hard to save American Capitalism from its own stupidity. the racist right call Obama a Marxist, a socialist, a Communist, a Muslim because they can’t call him a Ni@@er! That’s what they mean! They can’t stand having a black in office. that this the cold hard truth!

    1. Okay then.

      Heads seem to be exploding on the kooky Left.

      There’s so much wrong with that, I don’t know where to begin. It’s almost like Questionman is living in another universe.

      “They could not countenance a black man in the white house, and would never let him have any success.” That’s why Republicans freed the slaves after the Civil War, passed the Voting Rights Acts (over vigorous leftist opposition) and why Republicans appointed a number of outstanding blacks to high positions, including Clarence Thomas, Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell, among many others?

      Obama’s not even black. He’s half Arab, half white. Look it up.

      If you can’t communicate without talking in the gutter, then you might not be the sharpest butterknife in the drawer.

    2. The race card is overplayed. And as far as is birth, it was Clinton who was first to question it.

      My disagreements with his policies would be the same regardless of his skin color. A bad policy is a bad policy regardless who promotes it.

    3. Sounds like ” someone” should have gone on a golfing vacation with the four ladies in the white house.

  5. All comments, all racists.All Comments, all dirty racist fucking disgusting klansman cunts. All of you are dirty fucking racists bigots klansman teabaggers cunts!

    Whoever put this video out is a disgusting piece of shit. A Vile, putrid botched abortion.

    Yeah, and that didn’t start the day Obama was elected, did it. Obama is a Kenyan, Obama is a muslim, Obama is unAmerican, Obama is a race baiter. The right has done nothing but disparage Obama and everything he tried to do. The right has made it abundantly clear that they are the party of white domination, and no boy named Obama was going to ever get credit for anything good happening in this country. They could not countenance a black man in the white house, and would never let him have any success. So, I guess you assholes got what you wanted…there is more racial divide on the surface now…but it has been just below the surface for as long as I can remember. It was all ok for the right when THEY knew their place…but let one of them get uppity and the right does their best to show them who’s really in charge. Yeah Jimmy…it’s just a matter of time before you are in the minority…and I actually feel bad for you, because you won’t handle it very well…

    Obama is anything but a Socialist. He stands to the Right of Eisenhower and is trying very hard to save American Capitalism from its own stupidity. the racist right call Obama a Marxist, a socialist, a Communist, a Muslim because they can’t call him a Ni@@er! That’s what they mean! They can’t stand having a black in office. that this the cold hard truth!

    [JB: Yes, I’ve been made aware of this comment. I’m leaving it up in all its profane glory to show everyone how banal and borderline illiterate the far Left really is. Questionman made his own case for removing all doubt as to his feeble intellect with his crude post.]

    1. So, which type of weed are you smoking? There is certainly something there that has made you brain dead.
      To the right of Eisenhower? Only if he is standing backwards, and on his head.
      Maybe you should try that, you might get some blood flowing back into your brain.

    2. I think it is racist of you to assume that we are all “Whities” In 2008 I voted for Obama, it only took until February of the following year (that’s 2009) for me to realize how bad I screwed up. I’ve been regretting that move ever since and he hasn’t done anything to disprove that regret. He will go down in history as the worst president ever. All of your rambling and ranting name calling and lies will never change that.

    1. Not just foreigners, but unskilled, uneducated immigrants.

      It’s almost as if he’s trying to make the USA a third world nation.

      While he lives like a king.

  6. Isn’t it amusing how goofy the far Left gets when you touch a sensitive subject.

    It’s like a career criminal standing in front of a closet while parole officers poke around his house on a routine check.

    “What’s in that closet?” they ask.

    “What closet?” he says, thinking they are as stupid as the street trash he runs around with in public.

    They open the door and viola! An AK-47.

    “That’s not mine. I never seen that before!” he protests.

    Then they look through his phone and find pictures of him posing with said gun.

    Some people are just that stupid.

    Just like the left… pretending they are living in an alternate universe. Until they are mugged by reality.

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