Photo by Oleg Volk.


More and more police chiefs and sheriffs are calling for Americans to arm themselves to protect their homes and families from predatory violent criminals.

(FoxNews) – It’s Florida Sheriff Grady Judd’s duty to protect the citizens of Polk County — but he figures it’s their job, too.

One of a growing number of rural and big-city law enforcement officials who openly encourages responsible gun ownership, Judd believes guns allow citizens to defend themselves when police cannot.

“If you are foolish enough to break into someone’s home, you can expect to be shot in Polk County,” Judd said in a statement after a homeowner shot a would-be home invader earlier this month. “It’s more important to have a gun in your hand than a cop on the phone.”

Such full-throated embrace of the Second Amendment as a crime-fighting tool isn’t confined to red states like Florida.

Read more.


Then there’s Chicago.

Chicago Police Chief John Escalante blames Facebook for the orgy of violence gripping his city.

(Breitbart) – Chicago’s interim police superintendent John Escalante is struggling to explain the wild jump in shootings in the Windy City, and he thinks he has at least part of the explanation: it’s social media’s fault.

AP photo via Breitbart

At a Wednesday presser, interim Chicago police superintendent Escalante (above) blamed the “spike” in shootings on the fact that many of the city’s gang members are driven by constant agitation on social media sites such as Facebook.

“A lot of it is gang conflicts, but [it’s] also heavily driven by social media,” Escalante said, “It is the new way… of taunting and challenging other gangs, and is the modern way of gang graffiti.”

No mention from SuperNintendo Escalante about the catch and release policy over at Cook County State’s Attorney’s office.  No encouragement for that city’s law-abiding residents to take some responsibility for their own safety and security.

28 thoughts on “DISCONNECT: Most police chiefs and sheriffs promote a call to arms; and then there’s Chicago”
  1. I don‘t trust Police Chiefs who wear uniforms trying to look like a Military General. Well, he is a politician and not a real cop, so looking like a fake Military General is just part of the fake persona.

    If he were to blame the weak judicial system that allows criminals to return to the street with a slap on the wrist he would not have his position as the truth is not part of the talking points. It is always easier to blame firearms, mainstream firearm owners and social media.

    Cold weather is returning, there will be a down tick to the number that they can “attribute to effective policing”.

    1. Yeah, he’s like the only police chief in ‘Merica with airborne parachutist’s badge!

      What a maroon, eh Bugs?

    2. He probably deserves a combat infantryman’s badge if he’s ever worked a year or two on the streets, as opposed to driving a desk in a HQ building.

      Ditto for so many other beat cops who police those who don’t want to be policed.


    3. Police departments are paramilitary organizations. When Robert Peel formed the bobbies in 1829, he used military insignia to indicate rank, so everyone would know who supervised who (e.g., sergeants supervised patrolmen, lieutenants supervised sergeants, etc.). The system is easily and universally recognized; that’s why it’s still used today. In smaller departments, the boss might wear an oak leaf or a bird, but in bigger departments, there are a lot of bosses, and the top boss has to be identifiable.
      In Cook County today, you have to work to go to jail; that’s why there are so many feral predators walking around. The cops’ job is to take people to court, and if the courts won’t do their job, that’s not on the police.
      But you’re right, police chiefs are politicians, and if they blame their boss’s constituents, they’re biting the hand that feeds them.

  2. Chicago needs to turn off the Internet and institute a background check and 3-day waiting period to get an Obama phone.

    1. Remember how the natives literally stuck a stick up the colonel’s ass. Wonder if the same will happen to Mr. Three-Star tin horn.

    2. Does he want us to address him as “El Conqistador” too?

      Jesus. They got all these “Chicago” shows on TV. They could fire the writers and just film reality. The only downside is the “actors” would all be cursing, illiterate human debris. The novelty of that would wear off after a while.

  3. Blaming Facebook? Really?

    If nasty posts on Facebook caused people to commit crimes, all of CSGV and their followers would have long ago been dead at the hands of gun owners.

  4. Sorry but most of the medals are freebies for just being a cop. They started that a ways back so everyone could get a trophy. IE, democratic convention, attendance, violence reduction ribbon (that one is especially funny). The true cause of this spike in violence is the poor black population. You want politically correct you won’t find it here. You want he truth, here it is. The black population, 13% of the US, accounted for over 43% of the homicides in the US in 2015. They accounedt for 84% in Chicago. There are generations who have never had a job and never will. Their’s is a culture of violence. My first day on the street on the west side, I saw a mother yelling at a 3 hear old, her words “get your mother fucking ass back here before I bust your mother fucking head open.” What future did that child have with a parent like that. And this is normal in the west side, or rather the poor black neighborhoods. How are things going to change for them? There is no black leadership, only poverty pimps who give tax money to stay in office. Things are only going to get worse, the homicide rate in Chicago will double this year. Just hope you aren’t one of them.

    1. It’s just what that woman learned from her 16-year-old welfare momma, who learned it from her 18-year-old welfare momma.

      You don’t get good parenting skills from the blue sky above. Your parents model them to you as a child. NOTE I WROTE “PARENTS” and not “baby momma”.


    2. D; it sounds like you have the street experience to address the real issue facing Chicago.

      I have believed for years its a cultural problem that will not be solved by passing gun control laws or even enforcing the laws we have on the books to full authority of the law. All that does is create a revolving criminal class.

      It doesn’t help when you have a leader from Chicago that’s unwilling to address the issue

  5. If they weren’t using guns they be killing each other with hammers or ballbats. Then Rahmbo would have to blame carpenters, the Cubs, and the Sox.

  6. I personally like his haircut, low wind resistance so when Rahm boot’s him down the road and it sounds like it won’t be long. Next candidate please.

  7. Do you really think Rahm is going to appoint a competent person to run that department?

    HELL NO he’s not. He’s got to be able to throw his departments cops, and the chief under the bus at a moment’s notice to satisfy the feral mobs of “Black Lives Matter” monsters.

    Chicago crime needs more hickory shampoo and less “softer, gentler” policing.

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