Christian gun owners are what many on the left fear the most.
Why is it the hardcore left embrace our enemies and attack the core values that made America great?
(World Net Daily) – A new poll reveals that 45 percent of the Democrats who responded believe that Christians are a greater threat to America than Muslims.
No shock that 72 percent of atheists agree.
But the surprise is that 18 percent of those who consider themselves ” very conservative” agree.
As do 29 percent of Protestants.
And 23 percent of Catholics.
Interestingly, the sample of Muslims was very small, but 100 percent said it is Muslims who are the greater danger.
The results are from a new WND/Clout poll by Clout Research, a national opinion research firm in Columbus, Ohio. The telephone survey of registered voters was taken Dec. 18-27, except for the holiday, and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.35 percentage points.
… Among those who identify themselves as liberal, it was approaching 50 percent that believe Christians are the greater danger.
Among whites, 67 percent identified Muslims, among Hispanics, 90 percent identified Muslims and among Asians, 82 percent identified Muslims. It was blacks, who by a 55-45 majority, said Christians are a bigger threat.
YES: Democrats hate Christians and they want to see us disarmed and destroyed, but its more complicated than just hating Christians!
The Democrats want to destroy the “Values, Traditions and Faith” that founded this country.
They are using a Trojan Horse Immigration Army to infiltrate the USA and to cause chaos so they, the Democrats can declare a “Police State”.
Once they declare a “Martial Law” they can then use the power of the State to go after Christians, gun owners and any person that are considered a threat to the Democrat agenda.
Steve Quayle has a n Alert (stevequayle.com/index.php?s=33&d=1652) for Dec 28 2015 that talks about a gun confiscation beta test in Illinois and how Obama is training troops for gun Confiscation in the USA!
P.S> the term “Police State” is not bashing police, its a term describing the “Powers of the State” the local cop that is your neighbor will be victim just like you and I. We need to wake-up to the coming collapse!
One of many events to plan for with the democrats and muslimes is the Gay Roof Tossing and Public Stoning.
If my numbers are off – I apologize. I just pulled this up off the Internet:
USA has about 1.4 million active military and 120-150k federal officers.
There are about 1.1 million local and state police.
1 in 3 Americans own firearms – that comes out to about 80 million.
I think the disparate numbers have kept the gun grabbers at bay so far.
At some point, they may become emboldened or irrational enough to try confiscation anyway. That will be resisted and will become a bloody mess if it happens.
The best way to keep the numbers lopsided in our favor is to keep recruiting new gun owners and to stay politically active.
As far as independent armed women. I’m married to one and wouldn’t have it any other way. If the Taliban are afraid of her – that’s gravy.
Are hardcore leftists really that much different than the Taliban?
If you take away the religious aspect of the Taliban, they are really just hard-core Marxists.
If you look at American leftists, they are one in the same.
Hence why they despise citizens who own firearms and even more so when those gun owners are Christians.
Let’s face it: The only thing that stops leftists from enacting tyranny is my rifle and 200 million more just like it owned by other gun owners just like me.
And then there are the handguns…
If you were to talk to Jesus about this…oh wait! You can! He says to be a shining light to the world, the salt of the earth, to GO and MAKE disciples! He didn’t say go and form a political party to take control of the world and subdue unbelievers (which is really the only logical conclusion can take from your headline here, hedge up domineering political opposition), to make rules of values to follow under penalty of law. No, he said love, PREACH, convert people to your beliefs by showing that yours is greater and more desirable (but he didn’t have the Disciples stand around and look loving and happy to entice people, he had them preach, go door to door, go on missions to other towns and eventually countries. I say this because I know a lot of people excuse themselves thinking it’s enough to just passively be an example *eye roll*). C’mon paper target commandos! Get out there for some real valor!
If you want a good wake up call, check out Discovered At Last! by Bob Sjogren, it’s a book that turned the light bulb on for me (well a seminar he gave at Urbana 96 based on the book turned the light on for me), the WHOLE Bible is about mission, proselytizing, sharing God’s message of salvation, not fighting for an earthly kingdom politically, Jesus could have had an earthly kingdom on a silver platter but he willingly died instead, why are you trying to do what he refused to and had the power to? The only way to make a better world (and I do think Christianity is the best basis for a worldview and set of values, that the Western World wouldn’t be what it is without a Christian foundation, but I could do without the Salem Witch Trials and Spanish Inquisition, etc.) I don’t really know what the point of this article is from a truly Christian point of view.
I’ll refer back to Bob’s book for the meat of what he had to say, he told us that most people look at the Bible like they look at a high school yearbook. What do you do when you first get your yearbook? You go to look for your picture, your friends pictures, the groups you were involved in, the teachers you may have liked and that’s about it. Some people will probably also go and look at how stupid other people look and make fun of them. But God loves everyone in that yearbook, he loves every last one just as he does you and he wants you to get off your ass and tell them about it, it’s my impression that most of you would rather just kill them all and go back to having your church picnics.
I disagree that the only conclusion you can take from the headline is that we want to form a political party and subdue the world.
I talk to Jesus every day and suspect a large percent of people on this web site do the same.
Defending yourself and being politically active is not contrary to Christianity. Paul didn’t have firearms, but he actively defended himself – using words and – yes – politics.
I look at the utter massacre of Christians in the middle east. They cannot defend themselves and are being systematically exterminated. Do you think God approves of that? Would God fault them if they fought back?
There is nothing wrong with having the means to defend yourself. There is nothing wrong with participating in the political process. I don’t want to kill anyone. We are not fighting to build some sort of empire or earthly kingdom.
I don’t think you understand us at all.
God may have created the Taliban and other Islamo-fascist lunatics.
It’ll be my job to send them to meet Jesus if they threaten my family, just as I’d do for violent criminal thugs or simple lunatics.
How do you preach to someone whose only goal is to remove your head?
The Jesus I worship said sell my plow and buy a sword. He HIMSELF took a 3″ cudgel and beat bloody Hell out of the money-changers who were DEFILING His FATHER’S Temple.
So, WWJD??????????? I think he’d have the latest, greatest AR15 and ten thousand rounds.
Anyone gonna join me?
I think we all can agree the first thing the Taliban/ISIS/ISIL/Dash scumbags do is confiscate guns from the people they will institute tyranny against.
Just like tyrants everywhere.
Thank God – Jesus Christ God – for our right to keep and bear arms, so we will never be subject to tyranny.
At least in our time.
What is that rifle she has almost looks like am armalite.
Roberson Arms M96 Expeditionary Carbine, they no longer make them and I regret selling mine, I was holding out for the belt fed kit that never came.
The more women that are willing too own guns the more we win!
If the chatter that I am hearing is only half true we will be fighting ISIS right here in the USA!
Every woman that can bear arms may be the key to survival!
I’m not BSing anyone either.
Do a web search for the Alert from Perry Stone Ministries that was issued about 2 months ago.
Perry claims ISIS has been stock piling arms in the US for a Muslim day of rage. Pastor Rick Wiles is saying the same thing. If your women can not or refuse to fight they maybe in trouble when the rapping hoards of Muslims go on the war path!
Jesus said where is your sword and the deciple. Said , I don’t have a sword , and Jesus said sell your coat and buy a sword !!!
Well said!;)
Luke 22:36