Today, the DeWitt Co. Sportman’s Club held their annual “Outbreak” Zombie Shoot.

Many scores of folks showed up and had a fantastic time shooting zombies.

Only head shots count, and this year, with the addition of clay pigeons affixed to the faces/foreheads of the infected, it was easy to spot the hits and everyone know where to shoot.  It was a great day.

Food was provided by Black Kettle and as always, it was terrific.

Thanks go out to the many volunteers who came out to help make this possible.

Click for bigger size pics.

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We got a little wet around 10:30am, but then the weather cleared off and it was wonderful.

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4 thoughts on “SOUL SNATCHERS: Zombies capped at DeWitt Co. Sportsman’s Club”
  1. Next year, for some added grins, for AR shooters, carve out the back of the styrofoam head to put some thermite in, cool effects as head blows up! or maybe carve up a pumkin with thermite in it as zombie head.

    1. LOL.

      Sure. Why not just put a pound of tannerite in there!

      I’m afraid that might lead to a short day of shooting though.


  2. I was there the first year when they had the falling heads. For those of us with 22s, it was neat. For those with .223, it was tough. The .223s would zip right through without knocking the head off.

    I’ll have to try for next year.


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