
Movie theaters owners are trying to make Americans “feel” safe and secure, despite inviting lunatics to attack innocent victims inside their businesses.

They cite high definition security cams and “other security procedures” that are touted to make people “feel” safe.

Woodridge, IL (CBS) One local theater is stepping up security in the wake of the tragedy in Lafayette, La.

Michael Moore, co-owner of Hollywood Boulevard Cinema in Woodridge, tells CBS 2’s Suzanne Le Mignot he wants his customers to feel secure following this week’s shooting.

“We have 40-plus cameras throughout the perimeter of the building. We have a lot different things that we are doing. We have alarm systems throughout our building,” he says.

Meanwhile, they continue to post those “No Guns” signs on their doors.

The only problem is that those “No Guns” signs they place on the front door are honored only by the law-abiding customers. 

Violent criminal actors or lunatics bent on hurting the innocent don’t care about a stupid sign on the front door, other than to look for a hunting preserve where armed resistance will be unlikely and the chances of their evil succeeding are magnified.

It’s happened again today in Tennessee.  A lunatic with a hatchet and a gun went to a screening of “Mad Max” and went off the deep end.

Cops killed him, but not before he injured a number of innocents.

Imagine what would have happened if he’d chosen an evening showing to commit his evil!

Folks, if you or your family is patronizing a “no guns” theater, stop and ask yourself:  Is that a reasonable and prudent thing to do?



4 thoughts on ““NO GUN” THEATERS: Is it reasonable and prudent to patronize them?”
  1. I don’t patronize theaters very often, but it has nothing to do with those damn signs I ignore.

    It has a whole lot more to do with the attitudes, and ignorant opinions spewed as the God’s truth by the out-of-touch elitists in Hollywood.

    I’ll be damned if I’m going to support them.

    Last movie I saw was American Sniper.

    And until another one comes out of equal quality by equally decent Americans, I won’t be back.


  2. Once again a criminal uses a legal tool to do evil. We must ban movie theaters . it is a commonsense goal that may save a life .

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