A military recruitment center office in Manchester, Tennessee.  Pull up a chair, please.


The Obama administration trotted out a directive last week ordering military recruiters who encounter armed civilians watching over their officers to report those individuals to the local PD as a security threat.

When that didn’t work out so well for them, the Pentagon politely asked those same armed citizens to stand down.  “We can handle it,” was pretty much the message.

And now photos and stories (1 2) come out of how some centers are “handling” it.

WZTV photo.
Note the “NO GUNS” sign on the right side.


Obama’s bumbling in handling the aftermath of the Chattanooga attack on the military by an Islamic terrorist has been a disaster.  Not only is it embarrassing for the military to appear so weak as to be dependent upon civilians to defend them in America, it will be even worse if there’s a follow-up attack and armed civilians thwart such an attack.

Sadly though, the sandbags just represent a “cower and hide” mentality among Obama’s sycophants at the Department of Defense.


5 thoughts on “PENTAGON’S CHANGING TUNE: Call the police to please stand down to sandbags?”
  1. Jesus H.

    America’s soldiers have to hide behind sandbags while recruiting.

    You’re right John: The publicity for this debacle is very ugly.

  2. Sandbags in the recruiting offices will do wonders for enticing young adults to enlist. Further, what parent is going to support their child going into an office with sandbags.

    Sheesh, this just reeks of cowardism in the face of the enemy. Our government ask her youngest adults to accept the risk of serious injury or death in order to protect all our citizens from enemies that seek to eliminate our way of life. Yet our government now has our recruiters hiding in bunkers while they guide those who must accept risk in order to protect our way of life.

    What utterly shameful conduct from a government that should be leading and setting an example.

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