NY Times photo.

The Bloomberg $50 million per year Everytown for Gun Control group, along with other unspecified and irrelevant gun grabber groups are promoting a “Wear Prison Garb Orange” event.

They want gun control supporters to wear prison orange on Tuesday, June 2nd to demonstrate their contempt for the Second Amendment rights of their fellow Americans.

This is what $50 million gets you among the graphics whiz-kids  at Bloomberg, et al.
This is what $50 million gets you among the graphics whiz-kids at Bloomberg, et al.

Yes, $50 million buys a lot of mental smarts over at Bloomberg.  (That’s sarcasm for the sarcastically-challenged.)

We see this as a golden opportunity to a visual reminder of just how impotent the Everytown organization is in America.







9 thoughts on “ILLUSTRATING IMPOTENCE: Bloomberg anti-gun “Wear Prison Orange” publicity stunt set for Tuesday”
    1. If ISIS should ever take over America, Shannon & Bloomberg will be wearing Orange. Right up until they need a new snuff film and cut their heads off with a rusty knife.

  1. I think this is a great idea! I’ll look around Tuesday and see how many orange heavy thinkers I can spot. Let’s all do it and report back here on Wednesday.

    Bet I’ll actually see more people running red traffic lights than dressed in orange.

    1. This might be a problem on certain college campuses where their colors are orange…like Syracuse, Illinois, Florida…etc. Looks like the brain trust over at Everytown really thought this one out.

  2. I’m sure the Everytown clowns’ first thought was to send their reporters to university towns like Syracuse, UI, and other schools with orange as the school color… until they realized “school’s out”.

    Or maybe they haven’t realized that yet…

    Stupid is as stupid does.


  3. Are Bloomies minion’s coming down with Stockholm syndrome? I think they are identifying too much with a group of society thats going to rob them blind if given a chance.

  4. I guess since ” they ” are calling false calls about a weapons against a person with a CCW/2nd amendment right it is only fair we should call in about orange jumpsuits. Call in the police inquiry line about some seeing people/possible escaped prisoners in orange jumpsuits at a location.

  5. Better to say they are escaped mental cases. It would be closer to the truth.

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