Armed people don’t get oppressed.

Unarmed or disarmed people tend not to live so long, especially when bad men are on the prowl, seeking to impose their tyranny upon the masses.

To which group do you want to be a member?


(New American) – According to reports out of Iraq, members of the Islamic terrorist group ISIS lined up and systematically shot dead at least 50 men, women, and children from a Sunni Muslim tribe in a village north of Ramadi on Sunday, November 2. Fox News reported that the latest killings, which were corroborated by government officials in Iraq’s Anbar province, brings to at least 150 the number of Sunni tribespeople slaughtered by ISIS thugs in the last two weeks.

The latest attack occurred in the village of Ras al-Maa, north of the provincial capital of Ramadi, where ISIS gunmen rounded up the unarmed tribespeople, which included six women and four children, and shot them one by one, a senior tribesman told the Associated Press. The terrorists also reportedly kidnapped nearly 20 additional individuals.

The Anbar province has been a key target of ISIS as the extremist Islamic group attempts to expand its grip across Iraq and Syria.


3 thoughts on “TYRANNY FOLLOWS DISARMAMENT: ISIS shoots fifty more unarmed men, women and children”
  1. Jon stories like these need to be shared with everyone.


    This s why we should NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP OUR GUNS!!!!!

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