A better-than-average article about Ebola at MSN today:

Can you catch Ebola on a crowded bus or train if you are standing next to someone who is infected? What if that person sneezes or coughs on you? If the person has symptoms, the answer could be yes.

Questions that may have seemed theoretical a few days ago have taken on a troubling reality since a traveler from Liberia, Thomas E. Duncan, carried the virus to Texas and potentially exposed dozens of people before he was placed in isolation. And the hospital where he first sought help failed to make the diagnosis, leaving him in the community for several days when he was becoming more and more contagious.

It could happen again, said Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in a telephone news briefing on Thursday. He said there was no way to detect the disease during the incubation period — the interval before symptoms set in — so other infected people could pass fever checks at airports in West Africa, just as Mr. Duncan did, and board planes to the United States.

But Dr. Frieden emphasized that the odds of contracting Ebola in the United States were still extremely low. The disease is not contagious during the incubation period, and patients do not transmit it until they develop symptoms, he said. And those with symptoms will probably feel sick enough to stay home. People are highly unlikely to catch the disease on the bus or subway, Dr. Frieden said.

The incubation period can run from two to 21 days, but is usually eight to 10. The first symptoms are typically fever, aches and pains, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Even after they set in, it takes direct contact with bodily fluids to transmit Ebola. Blood, vomit, urine and diarrhea from very sick patients are highly infectious, but other body fluids like sweat, saliva, tears, semen and breast milk are also risky.

Direct contact means that the fluids splash or spray into someone else’s mouth, eyes or nose, or enter the bloodstream through cuts or breaks in the skin.

People can also contract the disease by touching infected fluids and then touching their eyes or mouth. The virus does not spread through the air, unlike measles or chickenpox. And Ebola does not invade healthy skin, so merely touching secretions does not mean an infection will follow. But washing hands or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer is essential after any potential contact, to avoid spreading the virus to other people or to one’s own eyes or mouth.

Ebola does not cause respiratory problems, but a cough from a sick patient could infect someone close enough to be sprayed with droplets of mucus or saliva. Droplets can generally fly about three feet, so people dealing with anyone who may be ill are told to stand at least three feet away, preferably six. Being within three feet of a patient for a prolonged time, without wearing protective gear, is considered direct contact, Dr. Frieden said.

According to the C.D.C., the virus can survive for a few hours on dry surfaces like doorknobs and countertops. But it can survive for several days in puddles or other collections of body fluid at room temperature. It is not clear how long it may survive in soiled linens and clothing. Bleach solutions can kill it.

There’s more.

In short, don’t panic.  Not yet anyway.

Be prudent and make preparations though.


5 thoughts on “Understanding the risks of Ebola”
  1. When they cleaned up the vomit from the man in Texas the clean up crew washed it down the street.

    Would that be considered bad?

    yes it is bad! Anyone stepping in the runoff or animals drinking the runoff is at risk.

  2. HIV became a much bigger problem than it should have been – in large part due to CDC political correctness trumping proper infectious disease and isolation procedures. These CDC clowns are well on their way to the same outcome with ebola. What was Einstein’s definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over, but expecting a different result…

  3. All of the discussion so far assumes a normal patient who wants to get well. There are others.

    We know that our enemies in the Middle East have recruits who willingly blow themselves up or crash planes into buildings. Suppose some of these guys are redirected into becoming infected with ebola. In the stage when they are not contagious, they could travel to countries they perceive to be enemies. Instead of seeking hospital treatment where they could be quarantened, they would contaminate anything they had access to until they collapsed. They could also meet up with other suicidal jihadists and infect them so as to spread the disease geometrically.

    The U.S. has a grat health system, but it could be overwhelmed this way

  4. Printed your ebOla artwork for a display on my truck. Talk about snapping liberal democraps necks when I drive in front of them.

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