The NFL (sometimes referred to as the National Felon League) has received harsh condemnation from police officers everywhere for their arbitrary policy prohibiting guns at football stadiums – even for off-duty cops.
We as everyday card-carrying good guys aren’t too pleased either.
It seems Minnesota cops are taking formal action. Good for them.
More locally, over at the Indianapolis Colts stadium, we know that guns aren’t prohibited in that facility by state law with a CCW permit. We also know that well-concealed guns make it in there on a regular basis – the worst they can do is ask you to leave. And frankly, after dark, bad guys are known to prowl that part of town, especially for those who don’t park nearby. There are plenty of not-so-well lit areas too.
(FoxNews) – Two Minnesota police organizations have sued the National Football League, claiming that a policy prohibiting guns in football stadiums violates a state law by infringing on the right of off-duty cops to carry weapons.
The NFL’s policy, adopted last September, prohibits firearms in any league facilities, including team offices and practice facilities as well as stadiums. The only exceptions in the policy are for law enforcement officers that are specifically assigned to work an NFL game or event as security or for private security contractors with valid licenses and firearms permits.
The lawsuit, filed Tuesday by the Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association (MPPOA) and Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis, claims that the policy puts members of the public at an unnecessary risk by prohibiting licensed, off-duty police officers from carrying their weapons inside a stadium.
Current Minnesota law requires anyone who possesses a pistol in a public place to have a permit, but police officers are exempted from that requirement. The lawsuit claims that the NFL’s policy does not acknowledge the state’s exemption.

It isn’t that we – and off duty cops are included in that “we” – think that we’re going to need a gun inside the stadium itself, but it’s the traveling to and from the venue that is troublesome. It’s a victim rich environment people are walking to or from the stadium with lots of cash and valuables. Let’s face it, poor folks don’t go to NFL games.
I agree there isn’t usually much trouble inside a stadium but recently we have seen fans battered and even killed while leaving. That isn’t even “to and from” as these altercations are happening at the stadiums themselves.
Great point about to and from – as it is so often dismissed as solved by “safe harbor” provisions. And glad to see the cops panties all up in a bunch. Sorry but the best I can offer them is – welcome to club, wanna side with us against “prohibited places” now?
Good deal! I vote for closing the “POLICE LOOPHOLE”
Special privileges for some Americans who happen to be LEO are simply unacceptable. If any of us get screwed over, all of us get screwed over, same firearms & magazines for civilians and police, same waits & background checks, same carry rules and restrictions too. I too am “glad to see the cops panties all up in a bunch – welcome to club, wanna side with us against “prohibited places” NOW?”
I’ve got no problem with the King’s Men not being able to carry any place or time us unwashed pheasants or is that peasants can’t carry. The 128 hours a week they’re off the clock they should have all the restrictions in our firearm privileges the rest of us suffer through.
Sour grapes on my part? Maybe …
For the sarcastically challenged there is a bit in the above …