The New York Times continues the drumbeat against gun ownership.

In other news, water is wet.

Anyway, this sort of Ivy League professor of philosophy from Notre Dame named Gary Gutting – living in the make-believe world of academe – scribbles out another cheap copy of the same old tired argument of those wishing to recreate past tyrannies by disarming the masses.  He says guns are dangerous, you’re unlikely to ever need one and if you do you probably won’t be able to use it well enough to make a difference.  Basically, you don’t “need” a gun and if you think you do, you’re living in a “paranoid fantasy”.

The fatal flaw in his argument is set up in his own words:

Unless you live in (or frequent) dangerous neighborhoods or have family or friends likely to threaten you, it’s very unlikely that you’ll need a gun for self-defense.

The same could be said for a fire extinguisher.  Unless you are terrible cooking in the kitchen (or on the grill, as in the case of Menachem) or play with matches regularly, it’s very unlikely that you’ll need a fire extinguisher to put out a fire.

But if you do need it, you’ll need it very badly and very urgently.

And, according to government numbers, two million Americans have that urgent need each and every year.  I certainly had one earlier this year where I saved myself from potentially a knifing and/or armed robbery at the hands of a scumbag in Montgomery, AL.

This Gary Gutting guy concludes with “Those fewer guns will make for a safer country.”

Obviously he missed our story from last week about how since 1984, guns in America are up by 50% and firearm-related homicides are down by over 50% in that same time.

With results like that, perhaps it’s time we put out another hundred million more guns and maybe our firearm-related homicide rate would plummet even further.

4 thoughts on “Philosophy professor in NY Times tells us “you” don’t need guns”
  1. Me thinks “professor” Gutting needs some “street education”, but perhaps he is merely “projecting” and it is really himself that does not “need” a firearm, because, as with most elites, their “protectors” will be armed.
    An armed society is a polite society, after of course, the thugs have learned that armed potential victums can protect themselves.

  2. “Unless you live in (or frequent) dangerous neighborhoods or have family or friends likely to threaten you, it’s very unlikely that you’ll need a gun for self-defense.”

    So he’s against they NYPD’s policy of only giving carry permits to the welll-heeled and connected?

    IE the exact opposite of the people he declares “need” guns?

  3. Must feel good blaming university professors for everything, right? Instead of blaming Menachem for starting a chicken fire you should have looked for the real offenders here. Menachem saved the house with his fire extinguisher (as he regularly does when other means of mass destruction such as toasters, power generators, or kitchen ovens “spontaneously” combust).

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