Scrap your plans and make your way to Springfield tomorrow.

It’s IGOLD Day!

Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day.


John Naese offered this to say:


In the early morning hours of April 19, 1775, men turned out of their beds, at 1 or 2 in the morning, and walked, in the late spring coolness, perhaps the mid 30′s at 3 am, some 20 miles or more, to confront the gun controllers raiding the powder supply at Concord.

We’re not asking you to risk Redcoat ball and bayonet; you don’t even have to get up before sunrise. Just get to Springfield tomorrow, in a climate controlled vehicle, and walk 5 blocks.

Are we still a nation of men (and women!) who “know very well what they are about”? Help us prove we are. Get there.

4 thoughts on “Weather or not, we need you at IGOLD Wednesday!”
  1. Do NOT be scared off by the doomsayers on the TV. This is not a blizzard; it’s not even a fair to middlin’ winter storm.

    In the early morning hours of April 19, 1775, men turned out of their beds, at 1 or 2 in the morning, and walked, in the late spring coolness, perhaps the mid 30’s at 3 am, some 20 miles or more, to confront the gun controllers raiding the powder supply at Concord.

    We’re not asking you to risk Redcoat ball and bayonet; you don’t even have to get up before sunrise. Just get to Springfield tomorrow, in a climate controlled vehicle, and walk 5 blocks.

    Are we still a nation of men (and women!) who “know very well what they are about”? Help us prove we are. Get there.

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