Tom Shafer.


Tom Shafer addressed the SCRA meeting audience and began by passing around an extended Glock magazine, sold locally at Gander Mountain.  He also brought his Glock 19.  Both were just like the ones used by the would-be assassin [Editor’s note:  Hereafter known as “WBA” as we’re not going to publish his name again].

By Shafer’s count he had 92 rounds with him – two extended magazines and two standard magazines.

He contrasted that incident with the domestic terror attack at Fort Hood where a Islamic Army Major [Editor’s note:  Hereafter known as “DIJ” for domestic Islamic jihadist as we’re not publishing his name either] brought a FN FiveSeven pistol and 391 rounds of ammo in ten 30-round magazines and about five 20-round magazines.

Of course murder and felonious assault has always been illegal.  This cowardly, hateful, vicious, criminal behavior is as illegal as we can make it.   What do you do with these sorts of people?  You kill them, Shafer says, “right on the spot if possible.”

Shafer gave the example of a would-be assassin Guiseppe Zangara who tried to shoot FDR in 1933, but hit the mayor of Chicago Anton Cermak instead.  The assassin was executed two weeks after the mayor died from his wounds.

Now DIJ fired over 150 rounds, killing thirteen and wounding twenty-nine.  He skipped over civilians and sought out military men and women to hurt.  He had five times as many of these so-called awful “high-capacity” magazines on him.

Funny how there were no calls for mag bans after the deranged Islamic jihadist’s attack!  I suspect because he was a Muslim terrorist.  We can’t speak ill of Muslim terrorists in our politically sensitive world, now can we?

Not to mention it wouldn’t play well to the public – losing our rights because of a Islamic domestic terrorist so politicians and the media ignored the gun control angle.

Yet when some wingnut white guy shoots a few people, the gun haters declare jihad on Americans’ firearm freedoms.

The focus should be the heroes in these types of events.  Those victims were scarcely even named, but they were all heroic military people.

Two 22 year-old guys were from Illinois.  Two courageous guys at Fort Hood were from Illinois, a captain and a lieutenant.  They both hit DIJ with chairs to thwart the attack and were both killed.  How often have you heard that in the media?

No, they did the right thing with Guiseppe Zangara.  Thirty days after the crime he was executed.  No hand wringing, no second guessing.

One thing Shafer knows for certain: The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.

You can’t use harsh language, you can’t have a study session, you can’t call time out.  The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is to quickly meet him or her up with a good guy with a gun.

Shafer also urged everyone to call the Governor’s office and urge him not to sign the death penalty ban.  “This state that has produced some of the worst murderers our country has ever seen.”

They passed that death penalty repeal in the same way they did the tax increase, late in the night of the last hours of the last day of the veto session.

Shafer called that cheating.  “They had to cheat to win,” he said.

Shafer says you don’t win when you cheat.  It you win by cheating you haven’t won.  All you are now is a cheater.