
Feral hogs remain a growing problem in virtually every state in the USA.  Including Illinois.

They cause hundreds of millions in agricultural damage. Each year.  


Here's a video of a guy shooting 70 of the porcine rats in under 5 minutes..




18 thoughts on “ERADICATION EFFORTS: Killing feral hogs by the dozen…”
  1. That looks like fun. It would be even more fun to chase down liberal politicians like that with a couple buckets of tar and some feathers. Cockroaches, politicians and piggies all run when the light hits 'em.

  2. There's hunting, and there's basic inhumanity.


    This is inhuman and inhumane. 


    He outta be……….well…………………I am not going to say it.


    Less murder porn here, eh, please, J.B.  


    We know you've been loafing for a week, but you don't need to post this shite just to fill space. 



    1. Ken, would it make you feel better if it were cops that were being killed?

      If it were your livelihood that was endangered, I bet you'd think differently.

      Feral hogs, feral Muslims, I see little difference. They deserve the same fate.

    2. Mayhap.  If said "pigs" were engaged in the wholesale deprivation of my or my loved ones' Constitutional rights.  Or if they were acting in concert with a government run amok.  Or if they had just killed my neighbors and were approaching my home next.




      You say that'll never happen?   It has.  And it will again.   And some say it's already happening. And if you were in New Orleans at the time of Hurrican Katrina, you'd rethink whether the "pigs" were the good guys or the bad guys.


      NONE of which changes my opinion that to DO this (not to metion POSTING IT HERE where gun rights advocates hang) is unconscionable, heartless and inhuman, and inhumane, too. 


      Why not post live video of abortions?  


      It's DISGUSTING, and DESPICABLE, and I submit it has NO PLACE HERE.



    3. I'm guessing you're not very well informed on the destructive nature of this rapidly expanding invasive species. There's a reason there is no hunting season for them here in Texas and you're allowed to kill as many as you want/can, day or night, any/every day of the year. 

    4. Can you say "liberal," liberal?

      Just cause it's LEGAL does NOT make it right, ethical or moral.

      Just remember this the next time the Dems do something grossly unethical, and then say "no controlling legal authority."

      It's WRONG.  I'm sayin' it.

      When the moslems are sawing off your heads with rusty knives, cause they can and, under sharia, it's LEGAL, will you say, "hmm, now I know how those pigs felt!?"

    5. @Ken:



      *virtue signal***virtue signal***virtue signal*

      Grow up dude. Animals kill other animals, its the way the natural world works. Humans kill the most quickly and humanely, and make sure their prey is dead before they start tearing it apart and eating it. No other animal extends that courtesy.

      In the natural world being shot to death is among the top 10 LEAST painful and traumatic ways to die. 

  3. I raise hogs for 28 years and the definition of feral hogs must be different than mine. I saw the following breeds of hogs in the video; Chester White, Duroc and Poland China. I think there is still a cash hog market somewhere in Texas. Why not pen the damn things up, feed/finish them out and haul them to the sale barn. I sold out in 2000 and we were selling hogs like those shot.

    I used to raise Large White, Chester White, Hampshire, Yorkshire, Duroc, Montans Duroc, Landrace and Herford hogs including White Diamonds which was a Crossbreed of European Large White and European Landrace. WHile the video doesnt bother me I do question the shooting of thousands of dollar worth of hogs. Cash hog prices for Illinois are around $50 per hundred wieght. That means these guys are shooting $125 worth of live pork with every shot of a 250 lb hog. 8-9 Bushels of corn and 120lbs of a 40% supplement will finish a 50lb hog to market wieght . A lot of guns and ammo could be bought with the hogs killed. 

    Just my 2 cents?

    1. Bill1 – interesting to consider the wild hogs as a cash resource!

      I think you would be the one to ask – since they are free range, how do we round them up and put them in a pen?  What do you think would work?


    2. I've seen guys in TX who live trap them, then pen them up and finish them for market.  You'd need a little bit of land and a stout fence to secure them, but it can absolutely be done.  The vast majority of "feral hogs" are domestic pigs which have either escaped their confines, or were released years ago by someone who wanted to hunt them.  Once un-penned, as it were, it doesn't take long for a pig to go feral.  They reproduce at a shockingly high rate, so in reality, trapping them is the ony way to try to keep pace with the population.

  4. Patrick, thank yo for your reply. Sheldon partially answered the question so i hope he doesnt mind me adding more information.

    When i was a child it was common place for people to raise hogs in a pasture. The way you round up wild hogs is the same way we rounded up hogs from a pasture. First you need to build a large pen 100 x 100 or larger with a heavy gate. The pen needs to be built using whats called a combination hog/cattle panel. The panels are 54" tall and made from 1/4 wire rod. 

    To catch the hogs all you have to do is open the gate and place feed and water inside the pen opposite the gate. Hogs will wonder into the pen over several days to feed and and will begin to sleep in the pen especially if you add straw or hay bales. Once you have caught all of the hogs you can; simply close sthe gate at night. Your now in the hog business. You see hogs are creatures of habit and nature, they will bed together and stay close to their food and water supply. 

    What we call feral pigs are actually a domestic hog that was either turned loose or escaped. If the hogs are to be finished a health program to control parasites will be needed just like we did with pasture raised hogs from the 50's, 60's and 70's. The University of Illinois used to have books available for pasture operations that included fencing, loading chutes and equipment. I still have one of the books from the 60's. Intersting stuff

  5. poor pigs. Most of them crippled from being shot in the ass. I really feel bad for them.    A really. Bad idea  I think.

  6. damn  it. I am sittin here thinkin about that  and  am crying  over what happened  to those pigs    

    1. Hey Jackie,

      I can definitely empathize with you right now. Its difficult to watch the first time you see animals being preyed upon in the wild.

      The important thing to understand is that these pigs were killed very humanely by natural standards. In the wild they would be torn apart and eaten by coyotes over several hours while they were still alive. Or they would contract a disease and suffer for months as it festers until the final drown in their own bile. 

      Being killed by a shotgun – even if its not an instant kill – is a very merciful way to go. There's a sharp pain, but then the flood of adrenaline dulls it. The massive blood loss quickly makes the pig sleepy, until the lay down and lose consciousness. 

      It is difficult to watch? Absolutely. But all things considered its a among the least painful ways a wild animal can die.

  7. are you using a computer fired gun or is this a open sight free fired gun…running hogs, fast moving truck…if the open sight is used.. you are a good shot…i want to be on your side in a fight

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