I Had a Dream


May 30, 2016

I Had a Dream

A man walked through a mist

I had dream the other night, well I didn’t understand. A man walked through a mist with a flintlock in his hand. His clothes were torn and dirty as he stood there by my bed. He took off his three cornered hat and speaking low to me he said.

We fought a revolution to secure our liberty, we wrote the Constitution as a shield from tyranny. For future generations this legacy we gave, in this the land of the free and home of the brave.

The freedoms we secured for you in hopes you would always keep. But tyrants labored endlessly while your parents were asleep. Your freedom’s gone, your courage lost, you’re no more than a slave. In this land of the free and home of the brave.

You buy permits to travel and permits to own a gun. Permits to start a business, permits to build a place for one. On land that you believe you own and pay a yearly rent although you have no voice how the monies are spent.

Your children must attend a school that doesn’t educate and your Christian values can’t be taught according to the state.

You read about the current news in a regulated press and you pay a tax to please the I.R.S. Your money is no longer made of silver nor of gold, you trade wealth for paper so your life can be controlled.

You pay for crimes that make our nature turn from God in shame. You’ve taken Satin’s number and traded in your name.

You’ve given government control to those who do you harm, so they can burn down churches and seize the family farm. They keep our country deep in debt they put men of God in jail. Harass your fellow countrymen while corrupted courts prevail.

Your leaders send artillery and guns to foreign shores and send your sons to slaughter fighting other peoples wars.

Can you regain the freedoms for which we fought and died, or don’t you have the courage to stand with pride, and are there more values you would fight to save? Or do you wish your children to live in fear and be a slave.

Oh sons of the Republic arise and take a stand, defend the Constitution the supreme law of the land. Preserve our great republic and each God given Right, and Pray to God to keep the torch of freedom burning bright.

As I awoke he vanished into the mist from which he came. His words were true. We are not free but we have ourselves to blame. For even now as tyrants trample each God given Right, we only watch and tremble to afraid to stand and fight.

If he stood by your bedside in a dream while you were asleep, and he wonders what remains of the freedoms he fought to keep, what would be your answer if he called out from his grave?

“Is this still the land of the free and home of the brave?

11 thoughts on “I Had a Dream”
  1. Thank you Peter. Profound and to the point. Our freedoms that they fought and died for…let it not be forgotten. Nothing is insignificant in the eyes of tyrants and death by a thousand cuts is still death.

  2. Ok, this is all fine and good, plus speaks to the current state of affairs. But what are you implying with it? Is it time for an actual Revolution like they fought? Is that what is being ask for now? Or is this just another poem, article or essay on what should be done but in reality, will never happen. I always hear people say “we can’t let this continue”, yet they aren’t really serious about what really needs to be done. I’m mean let’s face it, if we were REALLY serious about stopping illegal tyrannical laws and behavior, we would already be at war! But then again, that would require us to actual be Patriots and have the guts to die for what we believe in. Let me know where to report for duty, should that day ever actual come; outside of some bloated big boy talk and someone’s dream!

    1. Sir, I find your response most curious. Historically, you are quick to play Monday morning quarter-back. All though I have yet to see what YOU are implying. I don’t think you are mean person at all, I do see a person who is also frustrated with all of the rhetoric. But, can you truthfully say the rhetoric of the politicians propose anything of value. I think not. If you are looking for answers perhaps you should look to yourself, after all, I don’t think you could do any worse. So, your question sets itself up for all of us to answer three more questions. The answers themselves demands we all examine our own ethics, our raw beliefs and how much you really love this country. Many of us may have traveled to other countries as I have myself. The most striking thing when I return is the beauty of this land. Granted, many of the places I visited had some breathtaking vistas that are known to be their own. But America has its own beauty in so many places spread across the land. Yes, there are the parts of this country that are too shameful to be allowed to exist. Just like every country on this planet. But, nobodies stopping anyone to take it on their own to help make it right.

      Therefore, maybe ‘One’ of the many answers have been in front of us all along. Let us all step up and do something without waiting for the government to do anything about it. Perhaps, we are too afraid the government will take credit for it, but we’ll know where the blood seat and tears came from.
      And for today, that blood sweat and tears may be the only lineage of the revolution we fought for our children, grand children and great children will see. So be it.
      May God Bless America and to those who love His Grace on Thee.

    2. I’m not sure what history you are referring to when indicating I Monday morning quarterback. Maybe it is another part of your dream world. Let me spell it out for you since you are confused. If our founding fathers used words on paper verses rifles to stop tyranny, we would be under the crown today. Maybe they didn’t because they lived in reality and not some dream world. They had courage to do what was necessary, more than I can say for the “Patriots” of today. And don’t give me this crap that you served and fought in a war for mine or anyone else’s freedom. Unless you fought in the Revolutionary War, Cival War or WWI and II, you didn’t fight for my freedom. The rest were wars of profit and power, save maybe Iraq and Afganistan. Those were for vengeance of an attack on our soil. Sadly given the strength of the terrorist, we didn’t do as good as we would like to think. And by the way, I swore an oath 4 times over to protect this great nation and those in it from enemies both foreign and domestic. I don’t rely on anyone to secure my rights and life to freedom. I stand ready everyday in the face of danger and at the risk of death just so you can make it home to your family. So don’t feed me any crap that I Monday morning anything. What do you do for a living? Write stories about dreams? Or passive aggressively suggest that more needs to be done and we need to “fight”? How about this question. Are you ready to stand on the line and actually shed blood on this soil for your freedom? Will you take aim at the military should it come to that? We are losing our rights everyday and you don’t have to look far to see it coming. CA, MA and half the east coast are good places to start looking. What will you do if Hillary gets into office and moves to ban guns, Australian style? Here’s the deal for anyone that will comment that we are making progress. Progress against what? Already illegal restrictions against our Constitutional rights! The restrictions shouldn’t be there to begin with! Next time you are in your “dream”, ask the founding fathers what they would have done if half of this was happening to them. Oh yeah, that’s right, they would have gone to war!

    3. Outstanding reply, Mr. Alpha Company.

      The author here had a dream.

      Yeah, so?

      His negative Nelly dream didn’t inspire me to do anything except read faster as I’d finished my bowel movement.

    4. Echoing Sam….

      The patriot versus the poet.

      Who will you be when SHTF? Who will you stand beside?

      Whom will you RISK YOUR lives, your fortunes, your sacred honor to SAVE?

      I prefer the poets ending up in the ditches with all the dumbocrats, crooked cops, moslems and the rest of the evil ilk.

      I’ll stand with mine.

      Thank GOD for our freedom. Time to refresh the Tree of LIberty.

      Ya’ll ready? I am!

  3. You wrote: “we have ourselves to blame. For even now as tyrants trample each God given Right, we only watch and tremble to afraid to stand and fight.”

    Who in the f*ck is we, Kemosabe?

    I’m doing my part to claw back our rights. What are you doing?

    Donald Trump will do a whole lot more after he gets elected.

    You are supporting him, right? Or is he not “pure” enough for you?

    WHY are you bitching about what you’ve lost instead of thanking the Lord for what you have and working to push back these Bernie/Hillary leftists that vote for their government cheese.

  4. Folks, it’s just a dream of one person who yearns for the days before all this P.C. crap. Before the days when all the ‘Poor Me’ special interest groups descended upon us. Probably because they didn’t have friends that didn’t live in their land of sunshine and lollipops. So now all we are these ‘Special’ groups standing around doing their little circle jerk and recruiting more people to attend their pathetic little pity-party.
    They’re so damn insecure not a single one of them has any ‘Balls’ of their own to stand up and speak up. So, they do it collectively in the hopes they find any ‘Balls’ at all.
    I never said it was a dream of mine, it’s a dream one a who believes in the same things who believe and know they live in ‘Realville’.

    Also, it was never meant to be ‘a’ solution. And I think anyone who believes this is the only solution necessary to make it right is fooling themselves. Haven’t we already been down that road before? Thanks to all of the pinheads that bought into all “hope and change” crap.

    So, Sir, what’s your solution? Didn’t Hitler have a solution too? But wait, everything is a lot different today than it was when Hitler showed up to start his killing.

    Don’t anyone ever question my love and patriotism for this country. When the time comes to defend anything, make no mistake it begins with defending my God, my Country and my Family. And it’s a package deal of 3 equal parts, each part holds its equal importance and value. They can not, and will not be separated.

    One last thing, all my life when I see a veteran I ‘always’ approach them with respect and thank them for their service and sacrifice they made. And that extends to anyone that wishes to put in their two cents worth.

    But, because you served in the Military and, perhaps fought for our Country does not make you anymore patriotic or righteous then me or anyone else who never served. On that point alone I will give you that respect it deserves. But when you disrespect anyone you don’t know, you do so at your own folly.


    1. Fair enough. I respect your passion for God and country. This response you wrote was far more inspiring than the original “dream”, however one’s perception of a thought, can be lost in translation. I’ll offer this, we stand on the same side fighting the same enemies. We just use different scopes to take out our targets. Stay safe out there, it’s getting wild and the enemy is getting restless. Oh, by the way, I am not of belief that you need to have served to be a Patriot. The training helps, but I have met individuals that have more red, white and blue in their veins than some of my colleagues in uniform.

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