Photo via infowars.

There are terrorists among those millions of military-age Muslim males fleeing Syria and other Muslim nations as “refugees”.  It’s a no-brainer.

When those refugees are almost exclusively young, military age men, and not women, infants, children and the elderly, you know something is up.  The mainstream media in America, along with Barack Hussein Obama and his ilk seem to love these uneducated, unskilled individuals.

Are we really to believe they have left their women and children to fight tyranny back in their homelands?

Infowars – hardly my favorite reputable news source – reports on what we’ve all known all along.

(Infowars) – A newly uncovered 99-page manifesto produced by the Islamic State brags about how the terror organization has exploited the refugee program to send jihadist sleeper cells to Europe since 2012, with the goal of creating Muslim “no go zones” in western cities that can be used as a base from which to launch further Paris-style attacks.

The manifesto, entitled Black Flags from Rome, serves as a shocking reminder of the danger posed by allowing potentially millions of Muslim migrants to enter Europe and America via the “refugee” red carpet.

At least three individuals who posed as “refugees” have now been connected to the Paris attacks, including the mastermind behind the plot, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, who brazenly revealed how he exploited the migrant red carpet to plot bloodshed.

One thought on “ANOTHER REASON TO BECOME A GUN OWNER: Islamic State brags of terror sleeper cells among refugees”
  1. Are you a Democrat, if so remember it’s Hillary and Bernie playing the violin for these terrorists to come into your home, for if they come into this country of ours it’s the same as inviting them into your home. As far as supporting either Hillary or Bernie ask yourself if there is one drop of JFK or Truman in either.

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