More and more Americans are recognizing the proven, life-saving benefits of firearm ownership and how it can protect them against violent criminal predators before the police can arrive.

That doesn’t bode well for the nanny-state advocates of gun control and gun bans.  Ah, these die-hard zealots and paid activists grow more and more shrill with each passing day on social media and in politics.  The gun grabbers struggle in vane to remain relevant in a society that’s leaving them behind as more and more Americans become smarter, better educated citizens.

They devalue the meaning of “terrorist organization” by calling freedom’s supporters a domestic terrorist organization.  Well, if you don’t have substance to support your flawed beliefs, then try name calling.

They are also more direct about what they want with their political leaders.

Barack Obama is in Chicago today, not to talk about black on black violent crime or the victims of illegal alien crime, but to promote gun control.  It’s almost as if he’s Dr. Jack Kevorkian, setting up the assisted suicide machine for the Democrat party for the 2016 elections.

Photo via msnbc.com

The LA Times wrote:

Obama will talk about the need for tougher gun laws with police chiefs gathered in Chicago on Tuesday, aides say, as part of a broader conversation about violence and how police can work more effectively with their communities to combat it.


Hillary Clinton agrees with Barack Obama.  She recently said thought an Australian-style gun confiscation program by the government was worth considering here in America.

Obama and Clinton are pandering to a minority of Americans who support gun control and gun confiscation.  It’s going to hurt them badly in the general election, as it hurt Bill Clinton and Al Gore in the past.

We’re going to take Napoleon’s famous quote to heart:  “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”

Keep digging.

You’re bringing more and more Americans over to our side with each passing day.

6 thoughts on “THE SMELL OF DESPERATION? Gun grabbers grow more shrill as society leaves them behind”
  1. Let’s not get too comfy yet. Keep working our fellow citizen to educate them.

    ‘Court decision paves the way for Australian-style gun ban’

    ‘The Second Circuit’s decision leaves the Second Amendment in its gravest peril ever. Second Amendment rights are now hanging by a one-vote margin in the same Supreme Court that upheld Obamacare and declared a national right to gay marriage. Constitutional conservatives and Second Amendment supporters ought to be terrified over the prospect of Justice Scalia having a heart attack during a Hillary Clinton presidency.

    ‘The Second Circuit’s decision places the hands of the Second Amendment doomsday clock at two minutes to midnight. If you think “it can’t happen here,” you’re wrong.
    It already is happening here.’

    Hillary and the Democrats cannot win in 2016!


    1. May be some truths here but I want to see those girls in black robes go house to house to collect firearms they deem bad! Never register, just say NO! What I think will happen somewhere down the line (didn’t think it would happen in my lifetime-but) with 18 trillion plus in debt plus unfunded mandates, going door to door would be a dangerous job! Hope it don’t get to that point!

  2. How many “dead children” adorn the streets of Chitcago, with nary a word from these fools?

    When 50,000,000 aborted babies became an acceptable price to preserve a woman’s “right to choose,” the Democrat Party became a terrorist organization, more successful than Stalin, Hitler, and Pol Pot combined.

    1. You took the words right out of my mouth! It’s all about the spin and what the low information voters see and hear. That’s right, we highly intelligent, well-informed VOTERS need to spread the knowledge and challenge the sheeple thinking with calm debate.

  3. Abortion.
    Killing unborn (and even born) babies since Roe v. Wade. Especially black babies. Some, of course, cheer that. Remember, the Dems had a member of the Klan serving in the Senate for decades (Robert Byrd). The Klan was proud of his work, I’m sure.

    The Great Society.
    Has done more damage to blacks than slavery. At least with slavery, the northern blacks were free. Under the Great Society, most blacks are enslaved to welfare. Again, the Klan is proud of the fine job Uncle Sam has done replacing the black male as a father figure in black families.

    (and soon) Obamacare.
    Death panels. Guess who will be disproportionately unhelped… If you guessed the Democrats’ core constituency (at the moment), you would be correct.

    The list goes on and on.

    Liberalism is second only to Islam in a threat to civilization as we know it.


  4. Just wait until Trump wins the White House.

    The wailing from the leftie libs will be ear-splitting and comical.

    Hell, Puerto Rico will likely tip over!

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