The cat’s out of the bag:  Far-left Democrats have abandoned their calls for “reasonable” and “common sense” gun control measures.  Now they’re just calling for what they really want:  outright confiscation.

Is it just a ploy to get gun owners to capitulate and meet them halfway for more restrictions or are they hell-bent on self-destruction of their political careers?

Nobody knows.

We do know that their previous pledges not to take your guns have been exposed for the lies they were.  Just like “if you like your doctor, you can keep him” and “if you like your health insurance, you can keep it” assertions.

Photo via Washington Times

That’s right:  Obama, Harry Reid and other leftists want to send police to seize your guns – while they have police on hand to guard them with guns.

Of course, they won’t do the confiscations themselves.  They want to put someone else in harm’s way to take your guns.  If they have their way and you refuse, they’re okay with using deadly force to take them.  That’s right:  they’ll kill you if you don’t turn in your guns that have killed fewer people than Ted Kennedy’s car.

Obama, Democrats call for gun confiscation.

Obama drops the pretense

He aims for confiscation of private arms, not ‘control’ of guns

– – Monday, October 5, 2015

President Obama is finally out in open as an advocate not of gun control, but of eliminating guns in the hands of the people. The White House announced Monday that the president is working on executive orders to do what Congress won’t. Mr. Obama would eviscerate the Second Amendment to accomplish his goal of disarming ordinary law-abiding Americans. He is determined not to let the tragedy in Oregon go to waste.

In a few short sentences, he validates every fear of those who believe the president, who said earlier that he wanted only “common sense” restrictions on the ownership of guns, was actually advocating the first steps to confiscation. His critics argued that he and his congressional allies, particularly Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania and Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, were out to establish a federal gun registry, which would lead to confiscation here, as it has in other places. The president and his defenders scoffed, reminding everyone that Mr. Obama declared during the 2012 campaign that he not only believes in the right of Americans to keep and bear arms, but promising in paid advertisements, that he would “never take your guns.

Now, exploiting the tragedy in Oregon and the mourning for the innocents everywhere, he makes his meaning clear. “We know other countries in response to one mass shooting have been able to craft laws that almost eliminate mass shootings,” he said last week. “Friends of ours, allies of ours, Great Britain, Australia, countries like ours. So we know there are ways to prevent it.”

Violent crime in national “gun free zones” in both Britain and Australia has increased since these restrictions were put in place, leaving the unarmed Britons and Australians without guns to defend themselves. We could have a serious debate with the president and his allies, saying at last what they actually mean. Eviscerating the Second Amendment and confiscating the 350 million guns in private hands in this country as a cure for tragedy ignores the fact that since 1994, while gun ownership was increasing by 62 percent, homicide by guns was cut by half. The president would further exploit tragedy to deprive Americans of their constitutional right to hunt, shoot and defend their families with guns.

Hillary Clinton, to no one’s surprise, joins Mr. Obama’s scheme. She says the U.S. Supreme Court was wrong to uphold the right of Americans to own guns, and if she makes it to the White House she will see to it that the Supreme Court reverses its decision to uphold the Second Amendment.



Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit says that this latest call for extreme measures grabbing guns is just Obama trying to save his legacy from being remembered as America’s most incompetent president.

Glenn Reynolds: Obama saves himself by gunning down Democrats’ electoral chances

by Glenn Reynolds

(USA Today) – So after last week’s mass shooting in Oregon, President Obama chose to go on TV right away, even before all the facts were in about what had happened. Then he issued a bold call: It was time, he said, to “politicize” the tragedy, in service of getting rid of guns. He chose Australia — which implemented draconian gun confiscation in the 1990s — as a model of where America should be heading.

This sort of presidential action doesn’t happen by accident. For Obama to have stepped forward on this issue, at this moment, means that he and his advisers think it’s helpful to him. (Even though, in 2008, Obama told voters: “I believe in people’s lawful right to bear arms. I will not take your shotgun away. I will not take your rifle away. I won’t take your handgun away.”) But how, exactly, is it helpful?

After all, no significant gun legislation — and certainly nothing like Australia-style confiscation — is going to make it through a Republican Congress. And gun control isn’t especially popular anymore anyway: As a Pew poll released last year demonstrated, more Americans support gun rights than gun control, representing a dramatic change over the situation a few decades ago.

It’s a bad electoral issue for Democrats. Obama knew that in 2008 when he promised not to go after people’s guns. And today, Republicans are hoping that Obama goes there. The Washington Free Beacon‘s Sonny Bunch wrote last Friday, “If you want to guarantee that Hillary Clinton loses, liberals, press her to call for stricter gun laws and hint that you want to take their Glocks from them.”

So if the issue is a loser for Obama and the Democrats, why make a big deal about it? Well, the answer is, that when we’re talking about guns, a bad issue for Obama, we’re not talking about other things that pose worse issues for Obama. And the list of those is long.

There’s quite a list of Obama’s recent and not-so-recent failures as President Incompetent.

4 thoughts on “FRIENDLY FIRE? Obama drops pretenses – he wants to confiscate guns; is he saving his own skin while dooming Democrats?”
  1. Barack Obama and his merry band of Democrats are truly scumbags of the highest order.

    Obama fills his cabinet positions with what any other time in history (and without a sycophant media) would be called dysfunctional misfits, dedicated racists, or political operatives using government against political opponents. Every one of his appointments would never have passed a background check to become a federal agent twenty or forty years ago.

    You’ve got Hillary emailing classified information like it was cake recipes or company newsletters. His AG hated white people and his newest AG hates white people even more. His SoS is an incompetent boob who once threw his ill-gotten service decorations away to protest the war. Hell, Obama himself bows to every Tom, Dick and Harry world leader, including (and especially) Muslim leaders.

    Obama will forever be known as America’s Worst president, incompetent (or wily as a fox) and Muslim.


  2. I remember the Dems shameful voice vote at their last convention… goddamn heathen communists.

    If it weren’t for the limo libs and the welfare recipients, there would be a bounty on their heads.

  3. Harry REID with such a sad face. Must have his getaway van in the shop to install a gun safe and rifle rack.

  4. Obama has succeeded beyond his wildest dreams in pushing the USA toward an all powerful totalitarian government in a corrupt partnership with the media and big business. The only thing he hasn’t achieved yet is disarming the American people. He wants that badly. We must be vigilant.

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