pHOTO VIA Huff Post

Poor Hillary.  Nothing’s working for her as she plummets in the polls as more and more Americans see her as untruthful, unethical and petty.

Still in her hole, she keeps digging by slandering America’s gun owners – in IOWA, of call places – comparing them to Iranians and Communists.  That might fly in San Francisco or Berkeley, California.  That dog ain’t gonna hunt in Iowa though.

(Daily Caller) – Hillary Clinton took aim at the National Rifle Association in Iowa on Wednesday, hitting the group for what she claims is its “absolutist” stance on gun rights and comparing it to “the Iranians and Communists.”

Clinton drew the connection to the gun rights group and murderous tyrants after a woman in the audience at a town hall meeting in Mount Vernon noted that President Obama seemed defeated during his remarks on gun control following last week’s mass shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore.

4 thoughts on “IS THAT DESPERATION I SMELL? Hillary smears America’s gun owners to distract from her own email scandals”
  1. She should know communists and Iranians well. After all, the Democrats she represents are very closely aligned to both.

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