
HOOAH Deer Hunt For Heroes is growing.

And this year they are having a golf outing to raise money to help pay the costs of the program which helps wounded warriors that are in the process of being separated from the military because of service-related injuries.

For more information on HOOAH, check out this article from the Bloomington Pantagraph from a couple of years ago.

HOOAH uses hunting to help wounded vets heal

FUNKS GROVE (Pantagraph) — William White loaded an arrow into his gas-powered crossbow, took aim and pressed the trigger.

The deer fell. It was White’s first in three years of coming up empty.

Never mind that White is missing an arm and a leg. The U.S. Marine sergeant, a veteran of Beirut, Bosnia and Somalia, thanked a small band of soldiers and civilian volunteers who restored him to wholeness, if only for a day.

“It’s always good to find a friend when you need one,” said White, of Wood Dale, as he recognized the HOOAH Deer Hunt for Heroes program.

HOOAH is a local offshoot of the U.S. Army’s “Healing Outside Of A Hospital” program. Four Army specialists spent last week working with local founder Tom Huffington of McLean to set up a week of hunting for eight injured warriors at Funks Grove.

“We work with the Army to screen candidates for the program so that we can do the most good,” Huffington said.

Physical and psychological assessments, as well as material accommodations for what each candidate needs to succeed, are all factors that contribute to their inclusion, he said. Each wounded soldier is assigned a mentor and support staff to guide them on the hunting expedition…

You can help this program and have a great time too by participating in this year’s outing on September 26th.

Guns Save Life is a sponsor of HOOAH Deer Hunt for Heroes.


They’re looking for additional sponsors for the program…  and for the golf outing.

Volunteers are also sought.  If you can help, contact Wendy Boch at 815 848-6248 or wendala2 (at) gmail.com.



HOOAH_Golf_Outing_Registration form .pdf


4 thoughts on “REMINDER: JOIN US in PONTIAC, IL on SEPT. 26th: HOOAH Deer Hunt for Heroes golf outing”
  1. A big HOOAH to Wendy and everyone involved with this outstanding community effort. Our veterans deserve nothing but the best.

  2. I’ll second Mr. Dan’s comment.

    Thanks Wendy. We’re proud of the work you’ve done personally for HOOAH, and not bashful about claiming it as GSL’s.

    Guns Save Life makes me proud to be a member everyday. Part of what’s so appealing to me is Guns Save Life’s multi-dimensional nature: We support gun rights, gun ownership, gun education… along with our police, our military and our veterans. I’ve also noticed how GSL is big in its support and education relating to personal preparedness.

    Keep up the good work. You’re making us proud, Wendy.

    Ditto for the rest of Guns Save Life’s leadership!

    You’re the best gun rights group in Illinois, bar none.


  3. Quick update if you were waiting on the weather, looks like it’s going to be a gorgeous day for golf!!!! We still have room for a few more teams if you would like to golf and if anyone would like to volunteer, please use the email listed above.

    Thank you to GSL for their sponsorship not only monetarily but in promoting this on the web and in GunNews. Many hands make for light work.

    Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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