(The Daily Beast) – …The government is warning about increased ‘chatter’ leading up to our nation’s birthday. I believe it. But I bet it’s not from Muslims.

Representative Peter King (R-NY) told us to on Wednesday that we need to be afraid, no, very afraid, of Muslims over the July 4th weekend. Why? Well, King, in his typical Muslim fear-mongering style, warned, “Because if there is a threat, if there is gonna be something happening, it’s gonna come from the Muslim community.”

Apparently King only sees a threat by Muslims to America. But while ISIS is a threat, how is he blind to the growing right-wing terror threat we see in this country? I have never seen a more alarming level of “chatter” and acts of terror by people on the right as in the last few weeks.

Here are a few recent examples of what I mean:

1. Calls for violence surrounding gay marriage:

Yes, the conservative community gets violent when they protest at TEA Party rallies. So violent, in fact, that they clean up after themselves.

The National Mall was left spotless at the end of Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor rally.
The National Mall was left spotless at the end of Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor rally.

Unlike “Earth Day” demonstrators.

Photo via Twitter. https://twitter.com/MEEchelleO/status/589568322275905536/photo/1
Earth Day trash left behind by smelly hippies.

2. Black churches are burning:

And not a single instance is it believed to be hate-related arson.  Lightning is responsible in one or two cases.  Causes were undetermined at one or two more and while a couple might have been arson, one in particular was believed a vandalism attack.

3. Right-wing politicians’ alarming rhetoric could radicalize people:

Why is there never mention of alarming rhetoric from the left’s politicians?  Or organizations like ELF, or the SPLC?

4. We have 784 hate groups on U.S. soil. Per the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), hate groups have grown by 30 percent since 2000.

SPLC: the people who labelled Project Appleseed as a militia training organization.  Credibility:  Do they have it?  NOT.