
GSL DECATUR coming April 3rd!

We proudly announcing that Guns Save Life will host its SEVENTH monthly meeting location in Decatur starting April 3rd.   Yep, you bet.  The meeting will take place at Coz's Pizza, 1405 East Village Parkway, Mt Zion, IL 62549.  Dinner and conversation start around 5:30ish.  The 'meeting' begins at 7pm.   The steering…

How to file Illinois General Assembly **WITNESS SLIPS**

In the Illinois General Assembly, bills under consideration first go through a committee hearing.  While lobbyists for gun rights groups will often enter oral testimony for or against a bill concerning firearms in these committee hearings, you too can enter your support or opposition electronically through “Witness Slips”.   Frankly,…

NOT GUILTY! James Love NOT GUILTY of Murder

Well, folks, that didn't take long.  The jury in the Knox County, IL murder trial of James Love came back with NOT GUILTY.  Not only did they acquit the 59-year-old respected farmer, they didn't even drag out deliberations long enough for a free lunch.  Yes, it took them barely an…