Guns Save Life is proud of its monthly journal GunNews Magazine.  We currently print about 17,000 copies each month and they go to our members (now in 40ish states) and to retailers and businesses across Illinois and beyond. 

Last month, one of our sharp-eyed members noticed a stack of GunNews prominently displayed on the counter of a gun shop in the featured photo in a story at the Shooting Sports Retailer website.

GunNews is good, but it’s our volunteers who distribute copies of the publications who make it truly successful and effective in reaching new people.  Our members and friends drop them off at gun shops and other businesses to help educate those who are less familiar with the proven benefits of firearm ownership.   And for those who know their way around a gun, we have timely and informative articles on a host of topics of interest to the people of the gun.

Thank you to the Shooting Sports Retailer for including the photo that included our publication.   By the way, if you’re working at a gun shop or gun counter or know someone who is, steer them towards the SSR website.  They have some good content.

And here’s a link to the current issue of GunNews.  If you like it, please subscribe.  You can join GSL online or by mail.   It’s just a few cents a day and you get benefits like access to our legal defense fund and significant discounts on self-defense insurance.

While we don’t post our issues online with regularity, we do mail copies to our members each month that will usually show up within a couple of days of publication.  No more counting on your favorite gun shop still having copies left when you visit their store.