
‘Buy a Shotgun’ Biden Jumping Into 2020 Presidential Race

[caption id="attachment_27110" align="aligncenter" width="770"]AP Photo.[/caption] According to The Hill, former Vice-President Joe Biden plans to run for the Democrat nomination in the race for President in 2020. Yes, Mr. "If you want to protect yourself, get a double-barrel shotgun" Biden believes that with his announcement, he will become the front-runner…

Are Democrats in Illinois Serious About Prosecuting Gun Crimes?

[caption id="attachment_27101" align="aligncenter" width="763"]Sun-Times photo.[/caption] We all know the Democrats want to impose more gun control upon law-abiding Americans. They no longer hide that fact at all. But not everyone knows the same Democrat party seems less inclined to imprison criminals for illegally possessing guns. And when bad people with…

Trump Admin Seeks To Strip BATF of Alcohol & Tobacco Enforcement

[caption id="attachment_27097" align="aligncenter" width="770"]AP Photo.[/caption] The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ days look numbered.  Once more, under its 2020 budget proposal, the Trump administration seeks to transfer the 'alcohol' and 'tobacco' duties from the BATF.  The U.S. Treasury Department would take those duties if the administration gets its way.…